This is a weird purchase for me, coming from being a SONY & Samsung Fanboy. This is the most outstanding 2D picture I have ever laid my eyes on, and I have seen many High-end Television sets. I almost bought a Sony XBR-HX909 for the super high reviews on its amazing 2D image. But once I saw the 3D image I was a bit thrown off by the 3D technology, after already owning a Panasonic 3D Viera which was much better. So this is what I have gathered from my total experience with the Vizio 3D HDTV:
+The purchased place with Amazon was better than I thought it would have been. Easy, Fast, Free Shipping, NO TAX (Tax is around $115 if you buy from a store), and perfectly cared for; Sam's Club is scary, lol.
+47 inches of "OMG! It is bigger than I thought." This set gives so much at this price, quality, and Size!!!
+The LED television is thicker, due to the 160 LEDs being directly behind the screen. This makes for better contrast that will blow your mind away!!! I have never seen this kind of true black on a set ever before. Sony sells this technology for around $3,500; yikes!
+Features, Features, Features!!! The WiFi works amazingly. The Netflix app play videos at a higher resolution than my PS3 or computer using HDMI. The WebTV programs are limited but they are great, like Revision3. There is Vudu rental, Amazon Steaming, and of course Netflix. There is Pandora and a radio app for local radio station; or any state you want.
+The best built-in speakers! The sound is out outrageous, there is simply no thin TV that can house speaker like the ones on this set. I was going to buy a 5.1 Dolby system for the room, but I only turn the volume up 20% on the Vizio. I recommend to turn Truevolume off, if causes weird volume changes. This feature is on most Televisions with different names, but always cause volume issues; much like ipod's volume settings.
+The remote is bluetooth and an amazing little device. All remotes should be like this one!!! It is universal, and automatically has the codes in the television for all devices but the PS3; due to the PS3 syncing. But the XBOX 360 is compatible! TIVO, DirectTV, etc. The keyboard is great for the apps and Facebook! Since it is bluetooth, like the PS3 Blu-ray remote, the signal is always connected, so the buttons are harder to press so you don't accidentally change channels. This is a good thing.
+Bluetooth means wireless headphones so you don't bother others who don't want to hear the TV; like my girlfriend when she is sleeping. You can buy Vizio's headsets, or any bluetooth headset you may have will work as well.
+The accessories like the Vizio Router, Bluetooth Headset, or Vizio Stereo equipment are made easy and for a great price (high ratings from CNET). The 3D Glasses are sold seperately, but only cost around $150 for two rechargeable glasses. That is about the price that SONY or Samsung sells for one Pair!!! Very Cheap for 3D!!! 2 SONY pairs will buy you 4 Vizio pairs. A lot of the other 3D TVs come with one pair, or no glasses at all.
+The Price is dead on with AWESOME!!! It is robbery!!! I payed $1500, and chose Amazon after the tax factor of buying in a store. The 480hz (really 240hz) makes 2D images amazing, and not look fake at all! Remember to turn this feature all the way to high, because it is turned off out-of-the-box.
Okay, well here is the BAD:
-There is no SD slot, but this is not a problem really. There is 3 USB ports! 3!!! I never used the SD slot on my Panasonic, it is kind of useless.
-The 3D is not like my Plasma 3D. BUT!!! The Plasma does great 3D, but not a great 2D image. 3D is a fun factor, don't take it seriously and you will be fine. The ghosting issue is present, but it is present on every 3D set I have seen but the Panasonic 3D Plasmas. The 3D can be down right horrible on the PS3 video games at times, but does okay on the movies. Remember that 3D is not a every moment thing on this set. It is used rarely and on all 3D pictures you can turn it off to 2D. I personally like the 3D and the glasses, but don't think that there will be any set better than this, other than the Plasmas. The real focus should be that the TVs 480hz (really 240hz) is used for better 3d, but really make the biggest difference on the 2D image; which is amazing!
-Size, is a bit thicker, but it is because it has to be in order to produce the images at the 10,000,000:1 Contrast. I think the set is beautiful, and my friends freak out how beautiful it is in person! So Size is nothing but a few inches difference. You should really not worry about size though, you can't see how thick the TV is, but you can tell the Image difference.
This Television out preforms all the Television set I have seen, even the Samsung 8000 series. It has so many features, you will feel that you just robbed Vizio of their money about $1000. The 3D is okay, but you shouldn't worry; no one will have a TV even close in quality to this one! The accessories are great, with amazing prices. You will ultimately feel that you are leagues ahead of any other TV. The black are literally black (the led turn off), the whites are bright as all hell, the color are beyond anything you know! You cannot go wrong with this purchase. I hate to say it, but Vizio converted me away from the other brands (Sony, Samsung, etc.). The Reviews from CNET are endlessly great too! This should be the happiest purchase on a Television set you will ever have. Good luck, and feel free to post extra question, I will answer back :) VIZIO XVT3D474SV 47-Inch Full HD 3D Full Array TruLED with Smart Dimming LCD HDTV 480 Hz SPS with VIZIO Internet Apps
I just purchased this TV and I'm still in the process of doing everything with it, but I'm here to give an honest first impression. I'm actually using my computer connected to this TV to write this review and let me say that in my tiny bedroom this TV is massive. It looks great with my computer connected via RGB and there is little to no lag. I just watched KROQ's Almost Acoustic Christmas on the TV last night and the stream looked pretty good for what it was. The 2D picture is fantastic on this product and both my PS3 and Xbox 360 look amazing on it. The 3D needs work and I knew that coming into this TV. There is some ghosting of the image when watching 3D, but it does it's job well enough. You will definitely notice ghosting on anything other than Blu-ray 3D and titles in general. I'm not happy about it, but what can you do? I'm not using a certified 3D HDMI cable, so maybe that's an issue? I know it's a high speed HDMI cable, so it should be good enough. I did just order an Amazon High Speed 3D supported cable though to see if there is a difference. I'll update this review with my findings. I'd say the 3D is not a must for this TV, but is a cool extra. I watched a 3D Hockey game last night that was broadcast on Xfinity 3D in my area. It was pretty cool, but the ghosting is plentiful. If you don't know what I mean by ghosting, well I mean that you can see a shadow of the image behind the 3D image and it makes everything a bit blurry. The score graphic on the Hockey game looked horrible as do the static titles in most 3D cases. I would not recommend buying the 3D GLASSES, WHICH HAVE TO BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY. I bought mine at Sam's Club for about $160 and I was happy for that price. I still would caution anyone expecting perfect 3Dm which is a let down when you don't feel it's perfect after spending so much money. Vizio should really bundle at least one pair of 3d glasses, especially since the technology is not up to snuff. I tried some of the Vizio Internet Apps and the Yahoo Weather is cool, so is the Amzon Video(Thanks for the $5 video credit!) Netflix seems to work, but it as SUPER SLOW for me through wireless connection and my bars are almost full. I thought the TV froze it was so slow. Maybe being connected with Ethernet directly would change this. Anyway, here are some pros and cons, if you have any questions email me at: Doofus88@gmail.com
-Great 2D picture
-3D option is nice
-Works well with connected computers, PS3, and Xbox 360.
-Sound is pretty good, mind you I'm in a tiny room.
-Internet Apps are nice, but Netflix seemed slow over wireless.
-3D technology not good enough for the high price tag.
-Expensive 3D glasses that are NOT INCLUDED.
I also want to comment that Amazon uses Pilot for shipping and they really suck. DON'T EXPECT YOUR TV TO BE DELIVERED ON THE DAY YOU SCHEDULE ON AMAZON. I got mine Saturday and it was supposed to be delivered Thursday. Pilot's costumer service was rude and the delivery man did not handle my TV with care. I just wanted everyone who orders to know that.
VIZIO 47-Inch Class Full HD 3D Full Array TruLED with Smart Dimming LCD HDTV 480 Hz SPS with VIZIO Internet Apps
UPDATE: 12-18-10
Just a few updates for my review here. One thing I did is add attributes for different aspects of this TV.
I got the new Amazon HDMI cable that supports 3D and is highspeed and the 3D effect is still the same. I think it works the best on Blu-Ray 3D movies. A Christmas Carol looks great and The Polar Express look really good. There still is some ghosting issues with them, although they have the least of it. I also have a PS3 and played Wipeout HD in 3D, which was ok, but still had lots of ghosting. Pacific Rift really did not look good at all in 3D though, lots of ghosting. I'm curious if it's just that those games were converted and I'll have to wait to get a game made for 3D to really get a great 3D game experience.
When I was watching a Blu-ray on my PS3 I noticed some popping randomly during the movie. There are small, but still noticeable. I contacted Vizio and asked them what the best set up for sound through the TV would be. Their online chat is really helpful, really good service, and they told me what exactly to do. I think I still notice it sometimes, but overall I think it's gone. I will update more on this since this could be a potential problem. I think I should be able to use all the settings on for this TV. My settings for anyone if they want to know are...
Both SRS settings off.
PCM for digital output.
Audio mode: Flat
Just a small thing to nit pick about. I noticed on my Blu-Rays that they sometimes look grainy. I know it's not the TV though because all my games look perfect and no grain anywhere. I think that due to the size of the TV and now close I am, I just notice the small details of the digital transfer more. Or if the movie was shot on film, I notice the grain more. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just wanted to point that out.
I hope my updates help everyone.
****UPDATE 2: January 31st, 2011****
Just a reminder to people who read my review to read the comments on my post to see if I answer any more of your questions while talking with other people. I do also want to state I contacted Amazon once and had the TV exchanged for a new one of the same model because I was unhappy with the "backlight bleed" I was experiencing. My current TV does not have any bleed, just to update. I think it's a serious problem though, so watch out if you get this TV and see that there is a brighter spot somewhere when there is a black screen. - 3d - 240hz - Local Dimming - Led'
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