I bought this bag in tan as my back will hurt carrying a standard purse for too long. Good quality bag with fine, soft leather and sturdy stiching. I like it because it has a nice classic, stylish look without appearing like I'm going hiking. It's not very big, but large enough to hold my many keys, large wallet, small pouch, and sunglasses. It has just one sturdy zippered opening down the side vertically. There is a kangaroo-style deep pocket on the front where I keep my keys and phone, and it snaps shut so they don't fall out. The straps are long, but I was able to shorten them a couple of inches like you would a pair of shoes with a buckle. I gave it four stars instead of five as the inside does not have any zippered pocket to hold small items separately (like a lipgloss or key). It is just a loose open area that you throw your stuff in.
Update: 3/30/10
I have used this purse continuously for the past 6 months and love it. I thought I would have a problem finding things inside the purse, but due to the tapered shape, it's been fine. The straps could be a little wider as they tend to cut into your shoulder like a bra strap if your clothing is too thin. Aside from a little dirt(it is tan), it still looks great! LeDonne Womens Vacquetta Leather Sling Backpack / Purse (Black) - Bags - Backpacking - Sling Bag - Purse'
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