Loved the book, premise, phrasing, characters -- everything (almost). Couldn't wait for the second book. It's a small matter, but for someone who makes their living with the written word, I was hoping for at least a grammar check. Every single usage of the verbs lie and lay was incorrect and there were dozens, and they drove me crazy! (I take that back, it was used ONCE correctly in the second book.) For example, instead of the book lay on the table, it was written the book lied on the table or he walked into the room and lied down next to her. I would cringe and it would snap me back to reality, spoiling the story for me. There were a few other sporatic errors, such as the misuse of affect or effect or mismatched tenses. But if you're not bothered by such things, you'll be thrilled with both of the Astra books: Unusual and exciting story line and well developed characters that you actually care about.Astra: Synchronicity Astra: Synchronicity
I admit I downloaded this book because it was free and it helped that there were a couple good reviews. Truthfully, I'm shocked that more people haven't reviewed this book. The plot and action start immediately on the first page and draws you into a story of a struggle between normal humans and a slightly more 'evolved' version of humans (due to a disaster) which gets more complicated when an alien race is encountered. While there weren't a lot of social undertones, the plot is still something people can relate to in terms of struggles that people face today.
Overall, the book was incredibly fun and fast to read, it held my attention the entire time and I didn't find any wasted text that made me want to skip a couple paragraphs here or there. I downloaded the next volume in the series immediately after I finished reading Astra: Synchronicity. As for any flaws in the electronic version- I saw none, everything was clear and easy to read with no problems.
Good Sci-Fi novel. Emphasis is on plot rather than spending too much time on the technical aspects. I've already downloaded the next book in anticipation of the continuance of the story line. Well worth the free price of admission.
Good Sci-fi has been scarce lately but this book makes the wait worth while. I very much enjoyed the style, pace and detail. I wait breathlessly (OK maybe I'll breathe a little)for the next installment.
An avid sci fi fan, I was hooked from the first page. This book is the intense and action filled beginning of what would appear to be the first in a series of stories involving Magnius, Amii, Nadine, Tiyuri, Aliane and a host of others, normal and other than normal. It is not just the struggle of the characters in the book but also says much about the struggle of mankind in general and yet it holds to a belief in both fate and the divine, as such here the the two are forever intertwined and inescapable. The story is well written and each character well developed as the drama continues to unfold adventure after adventure. The future of mankind now forced to live in space is at stake along with any hope of establishing a relationship with aliens. There are plots and subplots intertwined together well enough to keep the sci-fi reader involved with ideas of what lies ahead and always with a surprise twist that you can't see coming until you realize that this is just one more of many. It could be a saga or series.The next book if written with the same clarity, intensity, and detail will be welcomed by sci-fi fans worldwide and well worth the price. I leave it to others to provide more in depth info about what happens in the book and simply say it is a fast paced and entertaining book that is far from over. I look forward to the next book and the future of the fabulous but insecure Magnius and the fascinating Amii both of whom are main characters and who leave me wondering and searching for the next book. I'm going to buy the next one immediately.
Great work Ms Eskra. Keep them coming. Your own beliefs about fate, destiny, and God may or may not be reflected in this book but as used they bind the book together well. I enjoyed it.
Downloaded this book because it was free, but i will be buying the next one. Dont usually leave reviews but with only one review thus far I wanted to.
I read a lot; 2-4 books a week. I really liked this one and I think a lot of others will too.
Overall Astra: Synchronicity is a good read. It starts out pretty slow and jumps around a lot introducing new characters. At first it was hard to keep track but at 30% the introductions are done and the pace picks up considerably. The ideas in the book are interesting and create a universe unique enough to not sound like a SyFy direct to video movie. There were only a few things that annoyed me but it didn't detract too much from the overall book:
1. Politics. East (Asia) vs. West (Europe/US) and Europe is enlightened while Americans are gun toting unfeeling capitalists. Really? If an author injects politics into a novel it is best done with nuance and not some kind of caricature. This aspect of the book was a blown opportunity to create a deeper and more unique universe.
2. First contact was imagined as not much more than a diplomatic meeting. Also for a species that was a space-faring race before humans existed their tech was not advanced, or different, enough. A race of beings tens or hundreds of thousands of years older than humans would appear to be God like.
Those two points aside I liked the book and plan to read the other two in the series.'
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