Of the several books I have studied on similar topics, this was one of the easiest to read through and apply. Although the title says People Styles at Work, it is equally applicable in personal life as well. The focus on studying behavior and inferring "style" from the same is much easier accomplished than trying to figure out the "temprament style" based on Myers Briggs.
The two dimensions of Assertiveness and Responsiveness, and the concept of above / below the middle for each of these dimensions gives 4 quadrants; one for each of the styles. This makes it convenient to understand the 4 styles, and also the shades within the styles.
I have benefited tremendously - if you are new to this topic it will serve you well to take notes as you read; create a cheat sheet of the characteristics for each style. Then for some time carry the cheat sheet with you, and refer to it often as you observe people's behaviors. Over a period of time, you will pickup the nuances of how to recognize the styles, and succeed in your interactions with others - despite them, and despite yourself... Enjoy! People Styles at Work: Making Bad Relationships Good and Good Relationships Better
Highly recommended. Several years ago, I had a clash of personal styles between my boss and me. I thought she talked like a kindergarten teacher, and she felt that I came on like a steamroller. She was familiar with the methods discussed in this book, although she learned them during a seminar at a former employer. This book helped turn a bad working relationship into an excellent working relationship, and may have saved my job. I learned to "flex" to my boss's style (and to her credit, she flexed somewhat to mine). I reread the book from time to time and try to practice what I've learned. I highly recommend the book to anyone who is running into "people problems" on the job or elsewhere.
One the best book and method on the subject I have read so far, and I have read quite a few. There are 4 main Communication Styles, and the best thing is that only observable behaviors are used to categorize people in one style or another. No messing around with people's phsyche, and finally a very simple method to effectively relate to other people in the workplace.I am using Communication Styles with all my direct reports, during meetings, etc. It allows me to convey clearly my messages, and at the same time overcome communication styles differences. This simple method does makes a difference in my daily work not only as a manager but also in communicating with my peers.This book is a must have in your management library at home.
This book provides vital information for my day-to-day work and does indeed improve relationships greatly. Situations that before seemed incomprehensible now make sense and difficult situations have become defused. I have heard similar comments from other highly successful individuals that I know. While assigning someone to one of the four people style quadrants does not provide a complete picture of an individual, as the authors would be the first to admit, people styles do provide a convenient and useful starting point for understanding your own and others behavior. The book also contains much practical advice for improving relationships and your own effectiveness within the context of the people style theory. In other words, people style theory works and People Styles at Work is a great little book.
This is a "reference" type of book. Will be very useful if it is available when you need it. The content is good and pretty concise, providing ways to understand people's types and to use the understading to improve working relationships. However, it is not very deep. Therefore, it may not give much helps for personal relationship. (However, this is "warned" by the title)
I was forced to read this book for my graduate studies and I found it surprisingly helpful. By filling out a basic personality inventory, this book will tell you what "style" of worker you are and then how to deal with people of other "styles." I see this book being a hit with sales people who have to interact with many other people everyday. But I can also see how this book could provide a foundation for learning how to work with other people in any environment. If you are willing to make slight modifications to your personal behavior, this book gives you the skills to build great relationships. I agree, however, with the previous reviewer's comments that this book does not go very deep, thus only 4 stars. Do not expect to change your boss into a nice guy just by reading this, but you can make your day-to-day dealings with him more enjoyable using these tactics. (This is also an easy read... Took me 2 days!)
Recently, I became a certified trainer for Social Styles. I have red this book and others and became very knowledgeable about the subject. Also, I have attended several training workshops about the social styles.
I found this book an extremely excellent, well written and well presented. Robert Bolton has presented the concept of social styles based on the observable behavior that we can see others exhibit. These behaviors are the body language, voice tonality and words chosen. After 30 years of writing and training others on Socials Styles, Bolton was able to answer the reader questions along the way by his style of pre-anticipating what might be asked.
I believe the most important contribution that Mr. Bolton introduced is the "How to Flex" to others. "Flex" Concept is the major contribution, in my opinion, to this field. He modified the "Versatility" concept to more detailed and comprehensive approach. Versatility concept was introduced by David W. Merrill, in his book "Personality Styles and Effective Performance". "Flex" concept gives detailed Step by Stop approach to each Social Style of how to deal with the other style. I like the concept of "Rapport" that each style should establish with the other style. "Rapport" concept was not introduced by Dr. Merrill and it is totally a new contribution by Mr. Bolton.
The only difficulty I see that might face the reader is the comprehensive style used by Mr. Bolton that makes the book tending to be more of a Behavioral Research. Also, big amount of introductory material might make the reader loosing interest to complete the book.
I really advocate the interested one about Social Styles to read this great book!!!. - Personality - Mba - Influence - Human Resources'
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