Bought as a replacement for the pocket leash and alligator clamp that came with an Omron Walking Style Pedometer. When the pedometer is carried loose in a pocket it NEEDS the lanyard and clamp, or I found it will lose up to half the steps I take. Clamping it -- even on a leash -- keeps the pedometer in synch with your hip motion, and thus able to record every step.
This leash came with two alligator clamps -- one plastic and one metal. I choose the plastic clamp, as it seemed closest in appearance to the Omron original. I have found that the replacement plastic clamp does NOT have the clamping bite -- the hold -- the original had. It works most of the time, but comes loose too much. (I can not speak for the metal clamp, since I discarded it when I installed the replacement lanyard.)
Still, this replacement lanyard and clamp makes the pedometer count steps correctly and the price was right.
Shipping was quick too! Safety Leash for Pedometer (1) Unit. Helps Save Pedometers From Loss and Misplacing and Not Lose Them While Running or Walking and Exercising
Lost one pedometer (expensive one from my wife) the first week of wearing one. Got a leash and haven't lost one in months since, though at least 4 times have found pedometer hanging from leash. The fact that I also wear a fanny pack while walking may increase my loss rate, having that rubbing against it. So leash may be less essential for you than for me.
I have an Omron Pedometer that works beautifully....the only design fault is that the the security clasp is made of plastic which eventually broke......I replaced the clasp with the safety leash which works very well. It is a very simple metal device (think the clasp on a pair of suspenders with a 10" connecting strap) which takes the worry out of losing the pedometer. The cost of shipping was more than the leash but it was/is a good purchase...... a wise move if you're concerned about the possible loss of your Pedometer
The Safety leash for Pedometer was a total waste of money. The item was poorly constructed with poor quality materials. I could have made it in my basement and done a better job at a fraction of the cost. In addition, the pedometer came with a Safety Leash included. I would send it back but the shipping cost is greater that the purchase price of this piece of elastic with a clip on one end. DON'T BUY, DON'T, DONT'T BUY.
No instructions came with the leash on how to string it in order to attach it to the pedometer, but that was good because I had to flex my brain muscle a bit to figure it out and it was fun. A pedometer safety leash is a must, as I am sure pedometer users know.
I chose this productSafety Leash for Pedometer (1) Unit. Helps Save Pedometers From Loss after reading the reviews for the particular Pedometer I purchased. The leash is well made, and is so easy to attach to a pedometer or cell phone and your pocket, waist band or belt. It's hard to believe such a good product is selling for this low a price.
This is a great little clip that is easy to use and works great. It never falls off my cloths no matter what I am doing. I wear it every day. I have lost several pedometers and this clip has saved my newest one several times! Highly recommend it.
The metal alligator clip catches on some thinner fabrics. The original lanyard I received with my Omron pedometer had a plastic clip which was much better. I simply wore that one out. This one is okay but I would much prefer the plastic clip.
I bought this strap to reinforce the one on my new pedometer. It has a metal clasp that attaches to your waistband. The first time I used it, the strap broke away from the metal clasp and I found the pedometer with the strap in my pocket and the clasp alone attached to my waistband. Luckily the pedometer was in my pocket. I'm still using the strap after tying it with several knots to the clasp. However, if my pedometer had not been a pocket model, it would have been lost on the first day. I would not recommend this strap to anyone. - Walking - Safety - Pedometer Leash - Omron Pedometer'
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