This Paslode nail gun is also over priced on here. I purchased this Paslode nail gun from a local Paslode distributor for $269.00. Check with a Paslode distributor for a lower cost. The nail does work very well and has slightly more power than the older model F350 S. Paslode PF350S 2" to 3-1/2" 30° Full / Clipped Head Framing Nailer (502000)
I typically use only Hitachi or Max guns. I needed a new framer in a hurry and couldn't wait for a Max to be ordered out, so it was between the Hitachi and the Paslode. I compared both of them in the store and the Paslode beat the Hitachi hands down. Its beefier, well balanced, fit & finish are superb, and its made in the USA unlike the Hitachi (made in Taiwan). I don't think I'll ever buy Hitachi again. I have a lot of their older models which are well built guns, but the new ones are really cheap looking. They are child's toys compared to the Paslode, and the rep said a lot of guys are having problems with them. Lastly, the Hitachi is lighter than the Paslode, but I'd rather have a gun that can take more abuse. I've used my father's older F-350S PowerMaster and noticed like the other poster stated that this gun is way more powerful. This gun also seems to be better constructed than the previous model. Not one misfire yet; I think this gun is a winner. - Bostitch - Porter-cable - Nail Gun - Nailer'
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