I am really enjoying this game.
I never finished DS I, I thought it was tedious. DS II fixed the problems of DS I and I played the sequel through to the end. There wasn't anything about the gameplay compelling enough to make me want to go through it a second time for the extra charactor slot, but it was a REALLY enjoyable H&S while it lasted.
I haven't experienced any of the bugs the one reviewer did, my characters imported right away. I'm having fun well into the second act.
If you enjoyed DS II, you should buy this. Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World Expansion Pack
This is essentially just a new set of missions, along with two new character classes and a couple of new pets. There are also new item recipes. This extends a pretty fun hack and slash game. You can import parties from the original or start with new characters at the appropriate level. Unlike some expansions, this starts out at a difficulty level appropriate for characters who've beaten Valdis. I'm enjoying it.
The worst bug apparently is limited to importing characters from original Dungeon Siege 2. Many (truly) folks, including me, can't even play the game because there is a limit to the number of characters, and this bug prevents you from switching characters in your group. For example, I tried to play a multiplayer party mode in which the limit was 3 characters. One early quest requires you to make a dwarf a member of your group. When you need to get your original party members back, the only way to do that is to release this dwarf to the Inn. When you do that, the game quits and when you start again, that character is gone from the game. There are many other problems related to this bug. This happened with both of my imported DS2 characters.
I would normally expect a patch to resolve this problem from the developers, but apparently the thinking is that this won't happen unless you import corrupted save files. My understanding is that they have not been able to figure out how these files get corrupted, even though they have been trying a long time. So I will be pleasantly surprised if they do find a way to fix this problem, but I'm not holding my breath.
In my opinion, the quality of Dungeon Siege 1 and Legends of Aranna was much better than anything after that, and Broken World is aptly named.
This was a let down from the 1st part. I finished the 1st part at level 84 and found that Broken World was either to easy or hard. You need it to be right in the level or it was to easy or hard. Their was not an even leveling system in place which made the game un-fun or boring. Game play was very short for the money too!!!!! About a weeks play 3 hours a day or if you where not leveled correct just sucked!!!! Graphics excellent, interface very good and overall feel very good....
For gamers doing the whole Dungeon Siege thing, this is a must have. Starting up where Dungeon Siege II finished, the Broken World Expansion Pack will give hours of diversion and entertainment. As an expansion pack, it is of course, derivative, not original. That is good for the gamers that like Dungeon Seige, as it means more of a good thing. The missions are similar to the main game, many of the characters come from the storyline of DS II. A cool thing is you can import your DS II character from that game to this, if they have leveled enough. Another neat item is the game can be played with several original characters that are precreated, so even if you haven't leveled to the point your character can be imported, or haven't finished DS II, you can still play Broken World! I enjoyed this game and it has got me to Dungeon Siege III, which I will order soon, now that I have satisfied the IRS. I did give the game four stars overall because I still feel short changed by the graphics, which were much better in Dungeon Siege I and it's expansion packs. The game is still fun, just not as pretty.
This is an awesome game. I played it before but lost my copy so I bought another . When i started playing it again, I had forgotten how much fun it was. It is an easy game to learn and will help with online mmorpg's if you play those sort of games if I cold give it ten stars I would. It is that good
Well, even though the game is a bit older, I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys a good dungeon crawler. Has LAN and Gamespy for multiplayer fun, and there has been modding done so when you complete the original game, you can try out a good mod. 7.5/10
When the original game is a groundbreaking masterpiece, its sequel rarely lives up to the unavoidable hype. There are notable exceptions of course (BALDUR's GATE II and MAX PAYNE II spring to mind). However, NEVER had I been so DISAPPOINTED with a sequel more than DUNGEON SIEGE II!
Following the innovative and brilliant original DS, the anticipation was so great that minor flaws would be forgiven. With DS2, though, it was one big blunder after another.
Contrary to the original DS (for which one had to physically tear himself from the computer screen) this one is a boring chore. Running back and forth to the base camp to barter equipement is a tedious procedure with all the fun sucked out of it. Moreover, no matter how much you improve your character (either leveling up or equipment-wise), your enemies simply match your abilities (or resort to crowding) resulting in NO CHANGE in the gameplay. I am not talking new enemies, but aren't higher leveled characters supposed to easily wipe out enemies encountered many hours before? This way, the whole game is nothing but a even-leveled blandness.
On a similar note: why was it necessary for **minor** enemies to have so much life? I was bored out of my skin hacking and slashing FOREVER! Increase the damage they can cause and keep it interesting - do not give them a longer life only to artificially increase the game's duration!
Oh, and the enchanting system was a joke - since the items found were much better than anything one could pay to have forged.
Graphically, DS2 is not even one step higher than the original DS. Shadows and particles may have increased, but characters (and equipment) have not. As a result, the heat of the battle (even on high-end systems) will find you in the midst of a disorienting...blur.
This is the...unavoidable expansion. It does not offer much more than a short campaign and some new trinkets. Importing your character from DS2 is a much better idea than choosing one of the badly-balanced pre-created ones - only...a persisting bug will not allow it!
This was the chronicle of a botched job foretold. With the exception of OBLIVION (which was an excellent game), one can count on 2K GAMES to...ruin any game franchise and kill its successful progress once and for all. Gaming history is littered with the relics of their failures: STRONGHOLD II, CIVILIZATION 4 (not until its expansion did this one became a playable game), SID MEIER's RAILROADS - the list is endless...They should probably stick to consoles.
My advice: avoid this stinker and, instead, try the original DUNGEON SIEGE (and its expansion). It is a MUCH BETTER GAME! - Rpg - Fantasy - Dungeon Siege - Dungeon Siege 2'
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