I was so excited to get my pet shower as it seemed like a great alternative to having to continually dunk a big plastic cup in the water every time I needed to wash and rinse my 2 very dirty german shorthaired pointers. When I first got everything out of the box I was a bit disappointed to find the attachment that went on the shower head is actually chrome painted plastic as opposed to a solid metal fitting. I quickly was able to get everything attached and in place but the shower continually dripped from in front and behind the fitting. I tried adding more teflon tape to see if that was the issue but it didn't help. I decided not to give up, and called the customer service number for the Amazon store I purchased the pet shower from and they gave me the phone number of the manufacturer. I spoke with a very nice customer service rep and she recommended that they send me a new fitting as it sounded as if the first one I received was defective. I received the new part in the mail a few days later, got everything fitted and it works fine. The only downside is that it seems to slightly weaken the water pressure of the shower when we are just using the shower as normal. Its not extremely noticable so we just decided to deal with it since we really like the convenience of having the pet shower. It works really well and showering has been made 100 times easier with much cleaner dogs as it rinses really well. Our pointers really don't like being washed but they don't seem to mind the new shower as much as they did the old way. Probably because they're not in there as long as they used to be! Rinse Ace Pet Shower Deluxe
I've owned several sprayers in the past, primarily for the purpose of washing the dogs. This one is easy to install and comes with everything you need in the box, the spray power and size are good, and the hose is long enough to get the job done without a hassle. We also use it to rinse our toddler's hair in the tub and it has been great for this purpose as well. The only reason I don't give it 5 stars is that I feel it could be better only if the button could be "locked" into the ON position, rather than having to hold it down the entire time. I would rate this a 4.5 on the scale if it allowed it. I would buy it again without hesitation.
This shower attachment works like a dream and was incredibly easy to install. The water pressure is great w/ no leaking! The attachment is just a one time installation, then you don't have to mess with it again...well worth the $!
I thought I might have to ask my plumber friend to come over to help me install it, but I didn't have to! I had it hooked up and going in about 3 minutes! I used some of the teflon tape it came with to stop the little leak and I just gave my dog a bath! I don't think he's ever been so clean, so fast! Very well worth the money! Not to mention I just ordered it about 3 days ago and it's already here! I'm very pleased!
I ordered this after reading other reviews and am quite pleased with its operation. The flexible hose is plenty long enough. One thing I noticed was that it had a metal locking clip next to the button which allowed it to operate without having to keep the button pushed down the whole time. This was mentioned as a complaint in another review so I just wanted to let people know that at least on the one I received, there is a button lock.
This will be the 2nd one I have bought. The first one cracked around the sprayer part for absolutely no reason . The prong that attaches to the end of the hose does not stay in place , it pops off easily. I bought a second one for the benefit of the doubt. This one has done the very same thing. We need a more quality product. Its flimsy. Not recommended.
This appeared to be a well designed product that worked fine at first. But it soon sprang a pinhole leak that has since grown in size to the point where the valve is a nuisance to use and leaks even when not in use. You may be lucky and get a good copy, but the cheap plastic construction makes it a risky proposition.
Really happy with this. It was simple to install and it did not affect the regular functioning of my shower at all. The long hose and stopper on the handle make it very easy wash my dog quickly, very important since she is a 50-pound pit bull who HATES getting wet (but loves me enough to tolerate it for a brief period). It's also very useful for cleaning the shower.
This is a great pet shower. It's easy to use and seems durable enough. Theres a silver plastic piece that this product comes with, please be careful when you screw this onto your shower head. I stripped the threading on mine so now I cant use my shower head while this pet shower is attached. I have to take my shower head off everytime my dog takes a bath which is only twice a week, but it's such a hastle.
We were looking for a product to use in our utility sink (pet bath sprayer), and it is not designed for such use.
So, okay, you'd think you could run to the hardware store and pickup an adapter fitting of some sort, right? Not! Evidently, you'd need a mechanical engineering degree to make that work, judging from striking out at 3 hardware stores...
too bad, we were looking forward to the quick connect feature... - Dogs - Bath - Bathtub Sprayers - Tub Shower'
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