On the plus side -
I have replaced my 5.11 pants with the Propper pants. The pockets are better thought out for tactical pants and the fabric is extremely durable. Why buy converted mountain climbing pants (5.11) when you can buy purpose built tactical pants.
The hidden wallet pocket and cellphone pocket makes these pants a must-have.
On the minus side -
Two major complaints, if you are physically fit and actually have muscle in your legs the thighs may fit you a bit tight - the pants are a full 1.5" less full than standard issue ACU's. This may be a plus if you're trying to look snappy on a security detail, but you do notice it if you are going under/over obstacles and moving alot. I have ordered up one size in the waist to see if that will address the matter.
If you are overweight - proceed with caution, while the waist is expandable, the thighs are narrow.
Second major complaint - the cargo pocket has no bellows just a pleat, that means it lies flat against the thigh and does not expand. so it is perfect for extra 5.56 magazines, but it is not functional as a general "store-all" like the old BDU's and newer ACU's. If you are used to stashing stuff in your cargo pockets you will have to find another location. Propper Tactical Pants Khaki 36 x 32 F52208225036X32
The claims about stain resistance are true. I'm gotten some tough stains that washed away without special treatment. They are not waterproof, but do hold water on the surface for a short period in order to brush it away. This is my fifth pair of the same pants in different colors. They have not faded in any capacity that I can see. The material is stiff (particularly before a few wash cycles). They keep a pressed look that means they maintain a certain stiffness. At this point, I use them for workout clothing. They are $10 more than the regular fatigues and in my opinion, definitely worth the difference. I have not worn them in hot weather but the comfort is better than I expected. There are built-in metal loops for attaching any number of devices.
I work for a private ambulance service and ordered 2 pairs of the khaki pants. they shed water and spills, are extremly comfortable, great pocket placement. If you are looking for a pair of extremly well designed duty pants there is no substitution.
Bought two pair after reading the reviews and because I didn't want to spend $50 for the reputable 511's. The pants I ordered are thick, durable, comfortable and pocket locations work very well. My next buy will be for the summer weight pants. Excellent pant!!
Great pants. The small pocket on the left thigh is perfect for my Gerber. Just wish it had pockets near the ankles like my ACUs but that's a personal preference. My only gripe is the belt that came with he pants is already fraying on the tip and I've only been wearing them for about a month.
I always order a size longer for shrinkage of my pants, unfortunately propper does not lie on their sizes so it was a little big. However they fit fine, no sag. Feel a little stiff but they are suppose to. Remind me of my bdus. Plenty of pockets, just need more stuff to put in them.
A+ on the seller for shipping and condition. Shipping was fast ordered during New Years eve and got them today. :)
I work in the public safety arena and wear BDU cargo pants almost every day to work. I own six pairs of 511 Brand BDU's but when I read the reviews of the Propper BDUs I thought I would take a chance. They have won we over! They are a better built and better shaped BDU pants. I have since switched over to the Proppper Brand and thrown away my 511 pants. The Propper pants fit better, they are hard to stain thus cleaning them is easy. My girlfriend says I look so much better in these pants since they fit better and are not as baggy as the 511 Brand. One word of warning is that if you are over weight (i.e. FAT) they may not fit as they are a slimmer fit in the legs. My only complaint is that they have an inner pocket in the rear pockets and that makes it hard to get your wallet in and out of the pants, I cut out the inner pocket with scissors and everything works great now. I highly recommend these pants and will continue to buy this brand in the future. - Uniform - Cargo Pants - Tactical - 511'
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