This new WAP from Cisco / Linksys is smaller and easier to install than previous models, and is a great price for a dual band B/G/N WAP.
The range seems pretty good too, but we've noticed that there can be a huge difference with signal reception, depending on the quality of internal wireless antennae in certain laptops and netbooks.
e.g. At one of our customers' home: Her new PC netbook and laptop had 'Good' reception (3 out of 5 bars), while my Apple MacBookPro had 'Excellent' reception from the same location. The WAP was broadcasting plenty of signal.
Her two computers just couldn't receive all the signal, because of poor internal wireless antennae. So if you buy this product, and the range seems weak, don't assume it's the WAP.
Also, make sure you select 'Wireless-N Only' mode, if ALL your computers have newer 802.11n cards.
This will speed up your connection.
If you don't have N cards, then leave the setting in 'Mixed' mode, otherwise your B and G cards won't receive any signal.
Hope this helps.
Integrity Electronics USA Cisco-Linksys WAP610N Wireless-N Access Point with Dual-Band
I purchased a couple of these WAP610N access points for clients based on Linksys/Cisco reputation. I made the mistake of not checking the Linksys support forums first. Big Mistake.
This product with current firmware (as of 01/12/2011) simply does not work as advertised. There are many documented problems with connectivity, rebooting under load, inability to pass DHCP packets properly, and static IP addressing in the 10.x.x.x range to allow me to provide a positive recommendation for this product. Cisco and Linksys should be ashamed to have released such a buggy product. Calling them on the phone is a complete waste of time, and posting in their on-line support forums (along with the other unfortunate WAP610N owners) is also futile, because Cisco/Linksys will not even acknowledge the issues (but they are quick to edit your forum postings if you say something that they do not like).
Consequently I have no other options but to return the WAP610N units for refunds and to make others aware of the potential problem with this device. The most current firmware for this device was released about 9 months ago in March of 2010.
Linksys - I've learned my lesson. No more Linksys or Cisco gear for my business or for my clients. Thank you.
I have this configured as a 2.4Ghz Wireless-G Access Point at my place. It works great, I haven't had any issues with it. The one downside to this WAP610N (and also their WET610N)is that it takes a long time for it to reboot itself once you've made changes in the settings and save them, but it's not that big of a deal though. Also, I thought that this was a Simultaneous Dual Band (2.4Ghz & 5Ghz) like the WRT610N Router, but it's not. It's either or, I guess I should have read the specs a little better, but I still would have purchased it anyway. I guess they did that for a reason since I just bought a second one today so I can run that one as a 5Ghz Wireless-N Access Point. I've only been using it for a week but I haven't had any issues with it at all, it's a great WAP.
I have a complicated network. In addition our space can only be covered with two access points. It was very easy to configure two of these units so that they work in sync so that when you switch from one access point to the other, the switch is seamless and transparent to the user.
Y'know the old saying "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is"?
I'm on my second one of these, having returned the first one. I should say up front that we have no problem with wi-fi in the house. Neither of the laptops (Mac and PC) encounter any difficulty anywhere in the house, even in the basement (the router is on the 2nd floor).
The first one worked on and off for streaming from the internet , always freezing, saying "loading please wait," then it would proceed to "load" but never restart. Or I couldn't even get into the program, it kept saying network connection broken, network down, cannot find the network, and I'd have to unplug the Linksys bridge and the Sony 460 BD for a few minutes then plug them in again. So, after one hour-and-a-half conversation on the phone with Linksys, and another hour-and-a-half instant messenging back and forth with them, we sent it back for a replacement.
The replacement arrived, and for a day or two worked fine. Then it started malfunctioning all over again. Now it doesn't even show any connection to the net at all. I'm still working to get my money back (didn't buy it through Amazon, got it thru Best Buy and the replacement came direct from Linksys).
Whatta hunka junk.
After reading some of the negative reviews I must say I became a little worried. Even though I'm a psychologist I do have an IT background and I got this access point up and running in about 5 minutes then connected to my switch across the house in 1 minute. End result = 2 months of perfect wireless on the dead side of the house with absolutely no drops. I would encourage the non-computer folk to request the help of a computer minded friend to set this thing up. I can only assume some of the negative reviews are due to the initial install being incorrect for one reason or another. Don't worry about this review as I'm not a fan boy of Linksys in any form or fashion and I do admit they have hardware issues (i.e. you manufacture over seas and you'll have the occasional dead device). Unfortunately all of these companies have the over seas manufacturing issue. If you get a dead device don't lose your temper. Linksys customer support works at an above average level and if you have patience + willing to put in the time to get a new device = you get a new device in 1 to 2 weeks.
I'll ding the reliability rating to a 4/5 because it's a Linksys product and will probably only last 2 or 3 years. I have no data for this but I'd be willing to say that 1/1000 devices will arrive dead. Probably doesn't seem like a lot but given how many are sold you'll get your angry folks leaving bad reviews at a good rate and for good reason. If you got two dead devices in a row then please flame away as you earned it. In conclusion I think most of you will be fine with this product.
Update on 6/21/2011
Buggers, the device needs to be reset once a week. It also runs fairly hot which may be part of the problem. I'm ok resetting it once a week but if it goes to once a day you'll see me drop the star rating. - 80211n - Dual Band - Range Extender - Wireless N'
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