Who doesn't love the Duke!? The original alien killer. The point of this game is you play as Duke (obviously) and you travel through time collecting crystals trying to stop the aliens from destroying humanity. Basic Duke Nukem stuff. But....those of you who have played Duke Nukem before should know he's still the same wise-cracking badass as we we've all come to know and love. Five stars and two thumbs WAY up! PLAYSTATION DUKE NUKEM TIME TO KILL
Duke Nukem' - Time to Kill was fun when I was playing playstation and there was no such thing as a next generation system, however, after playing a PS3 or Xbox 360 the game isn't what you remember. It has weird controls, horrible graphics and highly repetitive game play. A game I recommend not actually paying for and just allowing yourself to feel nostalgia over every once in awhile.'
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