I though I finally found an alarm clock that had all the features I wanted:
Dual alarm
Two axis projection rotation (so you can project on wall or ceiling)
Projection in red (so it's not too bright like blue)
Decent design
And then, I find out that the projection turns itself off after 10 hours! Why? What's the point? Why would I want the projection to be off after 10 hours? If I want it off, I would turn it off! The whole point is to see the time by just opening your eyes. Now I have to turn the damn thing on every time before I go to bed. And if I forget, I have to turn around, press the button and then see the time. Again, what's the point?!
And if this is to save energy, the life of the LED or reduce heat dissipation, can't you coordinate the projection off with the time of day? There is a built-in clock righ there!
Also, the Alarm Off button is burried in a row of 9 identical buttons. Couldn't you put a dimple on the damn thing so I know which button to push without having to look it up every morning? Or at least put it at the beginning of that row of buttons! Sony ICF-C717PJ Clock Radio Projects Current Time and Alarm Settings In Red Onto Wall Or Ceiling (Silver)
The product is good, the dual alarm works perfectly and the reception of the radion is excellent. The bird singing alarm is great too. The only drawback is the projection not strong enough. At complete darkness works perfectly well but if there is a bit of daylight i.e. after 7:00 in the morning, you can hardly see the projection unless you cover the windows with thick curtain
I really want to LOVE this alarm clock.
It has everything I need and a few things I didn't know I needed but really like:
- An adjustable projector that looks great on the ceiling or the wall at any angle
- Back-up battery so I can move it around the room without loosing my alarm settings
- Automatically sets time (you just have to tell it what time zone) and adjusts for daylight savings
- Alarm starts as a light beep that slowly intensifies as it goes unchecked (nice as it's not jolting me out of bed first thing, but won't let me ignore it either)
- Projector has an indicator that shows if the alarm is on or not
- Snooze button adjusts snooze time from 10 minutes to 60 minutes quickly and easily (nice for those foggy, not quite ready to get up yet mornings)
- SUPER SLEEK looking, this clock is beautiful and feels very nice. The clock display light is a pretty blue that is adjustable between bright, sorta bright and off. This is good as the pretty bright blue light (while pretty) will shine right through your lids.
A few things that I don't really like:
- I don't use the radio and the antenna cord is pretty long and messy looking. Maybe I just haven't figured out where it's supposed to go though? The MP3 cable fits nicely away into a hollow under the clock, surely this one does too?
- The reset alarm button is in the middle of a bunch of other identical buttons which can make it hard to find in the morning(especially if it's still dark!). Solved this problem with a bit of clear nail polish on the button, but a bump or some other identifying feature would be nice.
But what really irritates me about this clock?
The 10 hour limit on the projector light.. This drives me nuts! I would sincerely appreciate if some tech savvy individual figures out how to disable this feature and post their finds, as I would really prefer it stayed on all the time. My husband and I sleep at different hours and if I turn the projector on when I go to bed, it has turned itself off before he is out of bed. Seriously frustrating having to get up to press the projector button all the time. I thought we bought a projector clock so we -wouldn't- have to get up to see the time..
That said, while it feels silly having to turn the projector on each night and morning, I still love the clock. All the good stuff outweighs remembering to press the button, but I would have given it a five if it had the option to disable that 10 hour projector limit.
The display lighting is pretty both on the clock face and the ceiling projection. At night, you can turn the face light off for a dark room and the ceiling display stays crisp and clear.
Two big problems with this clock:
1. They put a 10 hour timer on the projection then it will turn itself off.
2. The thing between the numbers on the ceiling display BINKS! This is not a calming thing to look at!
I wish they would take away the blinking and the 10 hour time limit. It would be nice is the room temperature would also be on the ceiling display.
Came back to add a few things after using the clock a few nights. The numbers in the display face should be a bit more defined and you can't even see the temperature numbers unless you are pretty close.
The speaker sound quality should be better from a product with the name "Sony" on it. Shame, shame!
The soothing sounds would be super fantastic if the speakers were better quality and for heavens sake... KILL the seagulls screaming in the ocean wave sound will ya? It's suppose to be night time and we are suppose to be sleeping! Birds are suppose to sleep at night! If a bird starts singing around my house at night I'm outside throwing rocks at the tree~! Please! Just give me calming, ocean waves without the screaming birds? Because the speakers aren't that great, the rain sounds like hissing. The "under water" sound is ok so that's the one I use.
I would be willing to pay good money if someone would invent the perfect projection clock with quality, soothing sounds to help me be able to sleep.
This is a great radio alarm clock. It is small, silver and sleek. The time projection is clear and you can project the beam on the ceiling or a wall. Lots of features and good radio reception. The only thing that could be better is that there are some controls that are a bit awkward. I would buy this clock for anyone. Great gift. - Bedroom Alarm Clock - Projection Clock - Birds - Clock Radio'
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