This is an open-ended, well rounded, creativity program that features three main activities. Design ballgowns with thousands of not millions of possible combinations, visit the worlds of Belle, Jasmine, and Ariel to find extra goodies for creating outfits, or create stories by coloring pictures and adding stickers to them. You can even create a princess that looks like you by importing a picture of your face. All of the activities are fun and the dresses are just beautiful. If you know a young girl or are young at heart, get it. Disney's Princess Magical Dress-Up
This game was a big hit with my eight-year-old niece. It imports all photo file types. She enjoyed making Princess pictures of herself, her little sister, and all of her aunties! The game is definitely fun and really encourages creativity. That said, there were parts I did not like. The software could be more seamless. The import photo section (where girls create their own virtual models) is separate from the other CD activities. This doesn't pose a huge problem, but .... if you want to bring in someone else's photo, you have to exit your current session (and therefore lose the creations you've made in that session). One bonus activity: girls can place their models into different scenes they create in "Star of the Story." They can print the scenes in full color, or just with the black outlines (resembling a coloring book). This could be fun way for my 3-year-old niece to get involved--she can color her own pictures from the "coloring book" designs that her big sister creates.
Even though my computer had MUCH MORE than the minimum requirements to run this program, we never could get it to operate. The product repeatedly locked up right after you selected the body shape. The music still played, and you could select a different body shape, but it would not let you move to the next level.
This version of Fashion Boutique is not as good as the first with Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty. While my daughter can play it at age 5, she needs help finding the patterns and the jewels. She is not yet able to play this alone, as she is many other Disney and Barbie games. However, she does like Ariel and Belle, so she does play it, but I spend more time than she does searching for the designs.
I was completely disappointed with this product. I have always been so pleased with Disney products in the past. I couldn't believe that Disney put their name on this. It was very simple in nature, and was far from as interesting as what was stated on the box. My five year old said "Why are the Princess' so ugly?(and she was right). I have just written to Disney, and plan on returning this.
I got the disney's princess fashion boutique and unless they have upgraded substantially, it is NOT WORTH THE MONEY,,,I took the boutique back twice and it never worked correctly. They said I could send it to the company...and they might replace it. ...so as far as I am conserned I will NOT be buying any more disney games for my 2 little girls. Thought you might like to know.
My 6 year old really enjoys playing with this, especially the "Star of the story" section. I'm surprised to see so many negative reviews. My daughter fell in love with this software immediately. Although she doesn't play with it every day, she certainly plays with it often. She likes it so much that we have bought it as gifts for several friends.
I got this for my preschooler for Christmas and she is loving it! I love the fact that she can design the princess to look like herself or a friend or just about anyone! Designing the dress and jewelry is her favorite part, but she could go all day if I let her! This is definitely a gift that won't lose its appeal soon and also one that will grow with her!!!
I bought this game because I love the Little Mermaid and seeing Ariel on the box made me very happy. Sadly, there is not much Ariel in the game. The most you can do is put your princess model into Ariel scenes. I was hoping to put my model into Ariel's mermaid costume, but sadly, there are not many Ariel costume options (just the wedding dress and a pink one that she wears when she is human). All the costume are the classic 'ballgown' princess style, and most of them are ugly, as a matter of fact. I enjoyed putting my face onto these models, but I was disappointed that there were no costumes I really liked to put myself in. A waste of time; if buying this, like me, because you are a fan of Ariel, don't waste your money. Buy 'Ariel's Story Studio' or 'Little Mermaid 2 Activity Centre' instead. - Disney - Kids - Dress Up - Disney Princess'
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