The Samsung UN46D6000 is an excellent led HDTV set that is the best value priced alternative to a 3D model. In fact, the outstanding picture clarity and color of this LED set almost seems 3D at times and these are its most striking features. Other pluses are the light weight, thin profile and elegant overall design along with low power usage. Although, I would suggest that individual sound control features for bass, treble and balance would be a definite improvement. Samsung UN46D6000 46-Inch 1080p 120Hz LED HDTV (Black)
Purchased two weeks ago and all I can say is wow! The picture quality is super. It is almost too bright. I have adjusted the brightness and toned it down a bit. Colors are great also. Surprisingly, for a TV that is only 1.2 inches thick the sound quality is good. Might also be the positioning of mine, it is above the mantle so the speakers are projecting downward and bouncing off of it. Only thing I find a bit strange is the location of the input jacks. They are on the back right hand side of this set which is the opposite of how I had my wall plates set up. I have two setting suggestions. Turn off the Eco Sensor which adjusts the picture brightness to the ambient light in the room. For me it was dimming too much. For sports, leave the Auto Motion Plus on but for everything else turn it off. It gives a sort of 3D look to everything and is quite strange when watching movies. Other than that, you will be extremely happy with this set. Great purchase.
We've had our new Samsung HDTV for almost a month now and I still find my mouth dropping to the floor when I sit on the couch to watch tv. The picture clarity is beautiful. This is really my first "true" HDTV. Until now, we had a 32" Samsung and I recently learned that anything smaller than a 42" does not do HD justice. I believe that to be true.
The 46" is just the right size for our living room. I read some reviews regarding the "soap opera effect" and I have to say that I kind of like it. It makes the people look as if they are really standing just a few feet away from me. This tv is internet-ready and features Samsung's Smart Hub. At first I had some problems with this feature actually working. It can be rather slow at times. However, I moved my router around a bit and it connects to my wireless connection just fine now. Netflix streams perfectly too! I haven't tried any of the social apps yet.
I am VERY pleased with my purchase and the delivery went well too (I usually have problems with the company Amazon chooses to use for these kinds of deliveries). The guy came in and unpacked the box to make sure the tv worked as promised.
NOTE: Amazon.com claims you can stream some of their movies and tv shows too with this device but unfortunately, they do not give any directions how to do this on the newer Samsung devices. Anyone have a clue how to streams movies from Amazon.com? Hopefully, they fix this soon or at least create an app for amazon.
The picture on this tv is amazing. Color is great, image is vibrant and clear. Seriously, well-done Samsung.
The problem is that the local dimming is over-active. When you view an image that's MOSTLY black but with something small on the screen - let's say the bumps on Adult Swim, or the intro to a movie where it just shows the title on a black screen - the tv detects the dark image and reduces the back-lighting. The problem is that if there is still something relatively small on the screen, the lighting may get too dim and you can't see it. The biggest issue, of course, is that you simply CAN'T TURN IT OFF.
I spent literally two days tinkering with every setting, searching for the right mode or combination of settings that would disable the local dimming, but it just isn't there. There is no option to disable the local dimming directly - it's factored in to the general picture settings like "movie mode", "game mode", etc. You can make adjustments that lessen the local dimming effect (it's called Shadow Detail, I think), but even while reduced the problem is still there: this tv does not properly recognize when the lighting should and should not be reduced.
If not for this one flaw this tv would be absolutely perfect. Maybe some wouldn't care or notice, but it drove me seriously bonkers.
I returned this TV and got a comparable LG model. The LG allows you to directly adjust the intensity of the local dimming feature and even turn it off completely - independent of all the other picture settings. But I found that it wasn't necessary to turn it off on the LG since it seems to perform much better. Plus, the LG was only $30 more and it has 3D (which this Samsung does not).
I have been researching for TVs for about 2 years or so and I was deciding to buy a Plasma or LCD, after such consideration since my main purpose for the tv was for my pc and also to upgrade from a 23'' Samsung monitor i've had for about a year. I was really leaning in for a LCD since I was warned about Plasmas "Image Burn" since I am using it for a computer monitor, the desktop screen would be displayed quite frequently and it would have been risky. I saw a similar LCD model for around $800 bucks but just when i was about to check out, amazon recommended this TV instead and I took the plunge and never looked back.
First of all, for the people who are interested in LED TVs, they are almost the same as LCDs except for a brighter picture and clear quality and about the backlight thing, not really a big difference. I lowered the setting from 2-10 depending the light in my room. The motion picture plus and the 120hz really make internet streaming videos, such as Youtube, Netflix, and Hulu, almost all HD quality (If available, ofcourse). Some of the videos look better from other sources such as my PC and some look better on the Smart TV feature. (For example, netflix is better off my xbox but Hulu Plus looks awesome straight from the Smart Tv App)
Second, the Smart TV feature is a plus in so many ways! I also have to mention, I do not have a cable subscription (for good reason, too! $$$) with Hulu and Netflix apps at your finger tips, you will never have to pay more for cable or movie rentals again. I already had a Netflix account so I knew this TV was worth it but the other Apps they offer are useless, dont get me started on the Youtube app, the navigation is so dreadful.
Third, I really like the easy access input plugs for your hdmi and other plugs. Also, by clicking the Info button on your remote, you can see how much power your tv is using. I was worried at first for having a big screen tv and sucking in so much power but sure enough my electric bill hasnt gone up and my tv never overheats after using it on a 6 -10 hour basis.
The cons?
The only main problem with this LED TV is the darn SETTINGS!
Samsung's default settings are the worst and it for about a week or 2, I had to tweak the settings almost every time i was watching a youtube or hulu video (Actual Website, not the Smart TV apps). I do recommend looking up settings for the TV to save you time. I suggest looking for last years models and finding those settings since they are almost the same. Now that the settings are right, I havent touch menu button eversince.
I do have to say that, the "Soap Opera Effect" is really nice and you can turn it off if you dont like it. I turn it on for movies and off for games
I was told to wait till I've watched 100 hours worth of viewing time till I really notice the difference when I first turned it on. The judder will disappear after awhile, the TV just needs to be "broken-in" and you shouldn't have a problem after that. I know i haven't! - Panasonic'
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