Saw this was out in jewel case for 10 bux (as of this review) and thought I might help you decide. Rest assured this game for this price is a great buy, here's why:
Graphics & Sound: the game looks great. Though some say there are better 3D type games out today this one pulls off the look well and the graphics are smooth. The environments look dazzling and there is little in the way of graphic glitches on most machines. The soundtrack and sound effects are great; and all of the sound fits the mood and environment of the game well. Some of the sound effects are amazing: echoes in caves and tunnels, bones crunching for skeletons, etc... Turn it up and enjoy!
I should note that the camera controls take a little getting used to - though you can modify all options via the in-game menus. Make sure you adjust all the settings to suit your needs and tastes (there are many customizable facets via Options)...
Gameplay & Fun factor: Nothing bad to say at all! Of course if you don't like running around beating up monsters, collecting treasure and magical toys, and saving the world then don't bother with this title: because that is what Dungeon Siege is all about! The story is simple and effective, getting you inot the action fast and furious. The game moves more or less nonstop and although there aren't any complex options for customizing characters or developing skills the simplicity makes the game that much more fun. There are more complex role-playing games out there - Dungeon Siege is not one of them.
If you have a home network this game is a blast. There isn't any adult-only materials in the game that I recall: save for the skeletons and monsters that can sometimes be a little gross. There is blood and gore but it can be switched off via the Options menu.
The original Dungeon Siege comes with 2 playable multi-player maps: the single-player campaign map and another map with a different storyline and slightly different world types. This is a great value for people playing multiplayer games!
Performance & System Notes: the specs on the package (recommended configuration) will run the game very well. Be sure that your Video & Sound drivers are up to date (very important) and disable any background programs (like virus scanners) to improve performance.
The various in-game options to configure video and sound allow for a broad range of optimization: even if your PC is slower or has trouble running the default settings you might be able to tweak it and play at a decent rate.
The 4 stars in this review reflects the fact the game, for some, can get very repetitive: there's a lot of killing monsters, finding treasure, and completing quests - if that bores you after the 300th monster slain then Dungeon Siege may get on your nerves. Happy hunting. Dungeon Siege (Jewel Case)
This is a good, fun game that does not hog system resources. While it is a couple of years old at this point,it has held up fairly well due to the quality of the story line. Probably not equal to the Diablo series, but definitely a good RPG. Fewer and fewer games of this quality are being brought to market, cherish those that are released.
This is a pretty good game overall. The ability to choose the NPC's for your group gives you more control over the entire outcome of the game. There are many NPC's that offer to join your group. The story line is kinda cool.Try it. I like it and spent many hours playing.
Its not bad considering it was made in 2002, a little simplistic but overall its not bad, if your looking for a real challenge then this is not the game. Graphics aren't to bad and the game moves a little slow, limited mobility, almost no exploration, your pretty much stuck following the story line and the trail on the map. But if your looking for a way to pass the time without getting to involved in a game then this is ideal.
Dungeon Siege Its an older RPG, but still very fun. As a WoW player,I know great visuals and immerseve gameplay. While not as visually stunning, I can still have fun with this. Great action, magic use w/ melee is unique to this game, and the power to control all of your party members give this game points above many others. Easy controls make movement quite easy, but the clicking gets annoying sometimes. Fights are good, replayability is ok, quests are fun and you will be hooked very fast. If you have yet to play this, try it. It will look dated, I know, but it will still be a blast
This is an action cRPG that came out after DIABLO II and just before NEVERWINTER NIGHTS. And it blew both of them out of the water!
Not as deep as NWN, yet the story engaged you enough to make it more than a hack'n'slash. Not as dark as DIABLO II, yet blood fever will take hold of you once in battle. A number of innovative ideas made DUNGEON SIEGE a unique experience: the cinematic perspective, the original characters (who thought up...machine-gun shooting medieval robots!), the fighting-back pack-mule...
At the same time, both the enemies' and your company members' AI is well above par.
Graphically, this is a 4 year game yet it plays much smoother and it has further horizons than most cRPGs today. Even if, to any true cRPG fun, graphics is not everything (otherwise DAWN OF MAGIC would have been considered a great game), DUNGEON SIEGE is found wanting in nothing when it comes to graphics. Not until TITAN QUEST got released could any cRPG hold a candle to DUNGEON SIEGE! Tress and grass move as you pass by, water ripples as you step into it and wakes as you walk through it. Everything worn or wielded appears on the character; whereas, magic spells are not shabby at all.
The game also sports a GREAT CAMERA PLACEMENT (zoom capable and totally customizable) and has one of the BEST SOUNDTRACKS - the theme music will stay with you as the appropriate theme for any epic battles in the future.
Those of you who were (rightfully) disappointed with the truly bad and much shorter DUNGEON SIEGE 2 (I still cannot fathom how they managed to botch that one!), keep in mind that it has only skin-deep similarities to its predecessor. This is the one to buy!
At this price, it is a great deal too - and you will enjoy it more than most latest games!
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! - Rpg - Pc - Role Playing - Pc Game'
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