First, the positive points: this scale is compact compared to other "luggage scales", and the price is more reasonable than most other electronic scales.
However the negatives are:
1) It does not lock in the weight of the item so that you can unhook and hold the device up to read the weight, one must lift the scale up to eye level with luggage attached in order to read, which brings us to:
2) The strap / handle is very thin, it galls the fingers with anything over 5 lbs attached.
3) The hook is much too small to fit most luggage handles, may be good for fish, but one must figure out a work around depending on your luggage design, or resort to shoe laces to fashion a sling for your luggage handle.
3) Construction is flimsy, the old adage "you get what you pay for" ... in this case I got less.
I have been using a dial type scale from Magellan Travel with good results, it corrects all the flaws in the above, a bit more bulky, but has an added advantage - no batteries required, currently $9.85. 40KG Portable Digital Hangging Luggage Fishing Scale
This unit is simple to use. Yes, you can lock the weight - just hold down the rightmost button (Tare).
Changing the units of measure is done with the leftmost button. The middle button is the on and off switch.
I will be using this unit for fishing and for calibrating my tennis stringing machine.
One nice feature is the metal hook can be clipped flush with the back. A small depressed area accepts the hook to make the unit easier to store.
I'm no fisherman, but this little thing fills the gap between a postal scale handling a few ounces and the bathroom scale, intended for people. It seems to be quite accurate enough for posting packages, etc. It should be noted that the price is more than reasonable.
Oh ... it should also be noted that "hanging" does NOT have a double "g". LOL
I weighed two unknown weights a total of 5 times each. The readings for each weight were .02 pounds difference from highest to lowest. Might not work for pharmaceuticals, but plenty close enough for anything I need and it is small with no annoying T-handle. The hook would be a bit small for most luggage handles. I couldn't find anything better at two sporting goods stores and two other major retail stores.
I bought this digital scale to calibrate my tennis stringing machine. It's compact, accurate and can weigh in ounces, pounds, and kilograms. When I customize my tennis racquet with lead tape, I use the ounce scale and it works perfect there as well. I bought this thing for under $10 bucks. All of the tennis shops, even online wants $30+ dollars for a calibration tool for any tennis stringing machine. Even the cheapest model, the string loaded ones, is $30 dollars are more.
The only con I have about this scale is the short time it takes to do its automatic shutoff. Would be nice it it can stay on a little bit longer before shutting off.
I would highly recommend this unit to my friends.
Although I have not checked this scale against a standard weighted item I feel it's accurate enought for most peoples uses. I use if for weighing luggage or my day packs for hiking, some things to compare for adding to my bike and for those it's great. I like the compact nature, nice sized digital read out and the way the hook snaps up into the back of the unit. Nice digital scale and for this price a bargin. Don't buy one of those exepensive luggage scales get this one. This keeps you from exceeding the luggage weights and avoid the outrangeous overweight charges they impose. - Weighing Scale - Radio Control - Postal Scales - Luggage Accesory'
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