I steam clean our carpets about twice a year, and have been looking for a truly non-toxic product for this purpose. After a [..] search, this company came up, and I found out their products were on sale at my local supermarket chain. I used this product in our Hoover steam vac, and the carpets came out just as clean (if not better) than Hoover's chemical laden cleaners, and actually smelling much nicer probably due to the chamomile, bergamot, and sage ingredients. It gives me peace of mind and satisfaction to know that my 'special needs' 4 year old can play in her room without the concern and worry that an unhealthy, toxic chemical cleaner brings about. I will be using this carpet shampoo on a regular basis now. Mega kudos to the 'Earth Friendly Products' company for offering this godsend of a carpet cleaner! Earth Friendly Products Carpet Shampoo, Concentrated with Bergamot & Sage, 40 Ounces (Pack of 8)
I love this product. Having children that crawl and play on the floor it's nice to feel that you are not exposing them to abrasive cleaners with bad chemicals.
I have not noticed any difference in performance between this and the hoover carpet shampoos. Before starting up the steam cleaner, I do recommend mixing a stronger solution in a glass and apply it as a spot treatment with a dish washing brush. Makes the process faster and easier.
I purchased this product because my old Australian Shepherd was noticibly sensitive to the product that goes with the famous rental brand of carpet shampooer. When we moved I noticed that the redness on her tummy and the incessant scratching had stopped. I decided that when we shampooed the new carpets I would use a hypo-allergenic product. This one filled the ticket. I purchased an inexpensive carpet shampooer and a case of Earth Friendly carpet shampoo. It is economical; got the carpets as clean as any product does; smells pleasant and doesn't irritate the dog. She has gone from 6 benadryl capsuls a day to none. The dog and I are happy.
Well between my Hoover Clean Surge and this product. I can say that my ugly PINK carpet is now clean ugly PINK carpet. It got blueberry (the stain was over a year old) , mud, marker, high traffic areas and oil e.t.c. The scent is great like a lemon/lavender and it's non toxic. So the 4 pets 4 kids and two adults don't have to die trying to have a clean floor. This is great. Most all natural things you have to settle for less quality than the chemical type. I am happy to say in this case the quality is on par with the rest. My one and only gripe is the amount per gallon that you have to use. On the directions it says use 2.5 ounces per gallon... but it also says follow the amount that your cleaner says use. At 5 ounces a gallon, you go through this stuff pretty quick in my Hoover. It two bottles to do 700 sq ft or so. If they feel it takes 2.5 ou per gallon they should stick to their product recommendations. After all they know their cleaner better than Hoover. Anyway this stuff is great!
Lame attempt at humor with this review's title aside... The product works very well.
I highly suggest diluting it slightly if you're using a Hoover MaxExtract Dual V Carpet Cleaner (or similar machine) that self-mixes the product for you as the machine seems to have a difficult time with the consistency of the product. It is a little thicker and clumpier than the cleaning product Hoover provides.
The scent is not overpowering, it doesn't create lots of suds or foam, and it rinses clean.
I wish it came in a smaller pack. At the time of this review, you could only purchase 8 at a time. This quantity will probably outlast the Hoover.
I hate using chemicals and have recently switched to chemical-free vapor steam cleaning, but I do like having my rug doctor on hand for shampooing the carpets. From the day I bought the machine I've used this Earth Friendly Products carpet shampoo only - never theirs or any other harsh junk. It doesn't have any of the foaming problems I've heard about with other soaps in the rug doctors. For this stuff I throw two gallons of hot tap water in a bucket and a quarter cup (2oz) of the Earth Friendly carpet shampoo and pour it into the tank and it's a perfect ratio to get the carpets super clean very quickly. The scent is very subtle and is gone by the time it dries (which I like). I do not know if you would need to up the ratio of soap to water with another machine, the rug doc is pretty heavy duty so not a lot is needed and makes the bottle of shampoo last long. In fact I suspect I could get away with 1 oz of shampoo to 2 gallons of water, but it's not expensive so I go the extra mile (or ounce in this case). It gets almost everything out but there are a few old stains (and I mean OLD) that remained that I had to use a vapor steamer to blast away, but I suspect a nontoxic pretreater like Folex or the like would resolve that issue. All in all a good purchase - works just as well if not better than the harsh chemical laden shampoos without poisoning pets/kids/environment.
We have always had an indoor dog, so I have been steam cleaning our carpets every 2-3 months since we built this house 15 years ago. I was concerned about the chemical residues left behind with the standard shampoos I always used, particularly after reading an article about the ill effects carpet solutions have on children. So, I was thrilled to find this product. We just got it in yesterday and I didn't waste any time getting our Hoover machine out. I cleaned the entire house and it worked great! I wondered if such a gentle product could handle a few recent stains on the carpet and they are all history. We had been using the Hoover shampoos that are recommended for the machine. I think this product is at least as good, if not better, in its cleaning ability. It also smells wonderful. Finally, the fact that the company does not do animal testing makes me certain that I will continue to buy this product.
By the way, the reason I found this product was because I had recently started using the same company's HE laundry detergent (Ecos). It is also a great product. - Kid Friendly - Cleaner - Earth Friendly - Carpet'
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