The advance of computing and material technology has required an upgrade of the structure of the armor worn by comic book hero Iron Man. In this book, his origin is also upgraded to reflect not only changing technology but also changing social and political structures. In the newer version, the armored suit is produced to battle a rogue group of scientists rather than communist China. Women are executives at high levels in Stark industries and they are very aggressive in stating their positions.
Iron Man's suit now contains some very advanced artificial intelligence and there is a real-time wireless link to the base so that Iron Man can communicate with the online database and receive remote aid from his buddy Rhodey.
As someone that was present in the early years of the Iron Man character, I must confess to the possession of a strong residue of nostalgia for the original stories. However, as a computer scientist, my appreciation of the new hardware and software overcomes the occasional look back. This is one of the few times that I prefer the modern character over the original. Marvel Adventures Iron Man, Vol. 1: Heart of Steel (v. 1) - Marvel Comics - Comics - Iron Man'
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