Following 3 pleasing months of using Bodum's Brazil model french press, I purchased this travel press for the purpose of using it when I stay over at my boyfriend's place. The stainless-steel tumbler portion and spare plastic lid make for perfect insulation and zero spillage, in a car cup holder or even on a bicycle. But to my disappointment, the press mechanism is very cheaply made and does not do a good job of keeping the coffee grounds out of your mouth. The long rod piece wobbles freely from side to side, not supported for perfect vertical movement. I compare it to the quality of the Brazil press, which is comprised of a mesh filter plate, a cross plate, and a spiral plate, all three made of stainless steel, easily disassembled and cleaned. The press mechanism in the Travel Press feels like a toy version of the Brazil. It is made of mesh framed in plastic and skirted by a rubber gasket, none of which can be disassembled for thorough cleaning. The rubber gasket edge consistently allows coffee grounds to escape on either side as it is pressed down. Imagine trying to use only a squeegee edge to clean potting soil from your windshield.
I ended up purchasing the smaller version of the Brazil press and using only the tumbler and extra lid. For my purposes, the press piece is garbage. Bodum Double-Wall Stainless Steel Travel Coffee and Tea Press with Bonus Lid, 0.45L, 16oz, Black
This is a great press. But that is about it. I guess it can be used as a travel mug if you are always for sure going to be holding it straight up and down with no movement. This morning, I was getting out of the car and must have jostled my mug to the side slightly because it spilled tea everywhere. It was not just a minor leak. This is a major flaw in the design of the lid. I also tried it both really tight and not as tight as I read reviews that this has happened to others, but either way it leaks significantly.
Update: Second morning, there was no jostling, but I put it in my cup holder in my car and it leaked everywhere just from the drive alone. I'm so disappointed in this mug, that I'm downgrading to one star.
I am returning mine today.
I had ordered this for my loose tea but was not happy with the design. The knob on the shaft for the press 'locks' in the lid to keep it from leaking, but it is hard to grip once it is locked in place. The lid screws on, but the press also screws onto the shaft. If you try to unscrew the lid in order to remove it without raising the press (because you can't grip the knob on the shaft) you end up unscrewing the press as well. Once you remove the lid, the shaft is in place but the press is at the bottom of the cup. A design that probably looked good on paper, but should have been tested prior to production. I returned it for a refund and ordered a different french press travel mug.
I have tried many travel mugs to keep my coffee warm while I deliver papers in the early morning, and up till this time have not found any that would keep my coffee warm for the entire time that I'm out on the route. This morning 1/2/11 I left for the route at 12:15Am and when I was headed home at 6:15AM the coffee was still warm. Keep in mind that I live in Montana and the whole time that I was out there the Temp outside the car was 15 degrees F. I have the window open in the car must of the time so I can deliver papers. This totally amazed me and the gravy on the coffee so to speak is that it is a French press to boot. Outstanding Value.Bodum Stainless Steel 16-Ounce Vacuum Travel Press Coffee Maker with Black Silicone Grip
Short and simple, this mug works great and keeps your coffee hot for hours. Almost too hot. I make it at home and bring it to work. Its usually too hot to drink still all the way to work (40 minute drive) and I take small sips here and there once I arrive, but sometimes I forget and go to lunch and come back afterward and drink some and it's still very warm. This is easily at least 4 hours after I made it.I haven't tried tipping it over to test leakage but it has fallen over in my car and I grabbed it real quick and nothing spilled. - Travel Mug - French Press - Coffee Press - French Presses'
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