I got this knife for my groomsman's as a supplement to the other gift I got them. It was small, but was quality and nice looking. I have other knives made my buck and they all feel like the weight is evenly distributed. All of their knives are great value and the solo is no exception. Buck 379BRS Solo Folding Pocket Knife
Ok I have two of these. One I use and one just to have as a collectable. I am sad to say yeah the new blades are stamped china. Apart from that you will never find a better knife per dollar spent. These are great size for anything, whittling, fishing, opening packages, cleaning finger nails, stripping wires, cleaning game. My solo has cleaned a couple deers, and a couple rabbits. It is also my go to knife for cutting fishing line. I use it hard. The knife is beautiful. The wood handles vary slightly in shade, one of mine is very dark almost walnut looking the other is very red. But all are polished with brass rivets, and the buck logo stamped into it. The knife is pretty, but it is also strong. Good lock up, easy opening. Very smooth action on these. They don't manual lock, so it's pressure release, warn the kids not to try and stab it in anything like a killer or they will learn a lesson through cut fingers. The blades are tough, not prybars, but sturdy for the small size. They come razor sharp, they keep an edge pretty long, but re sharpen in a snap, a couple passes through a sharpener and back to razor sharp. They can clean a rabbit in one sharpening but about half dull by the end. Two passes through any cheap knife sharpener and it's razor sharp again. Great for fishing line, razor sharp so they can snip a line with a touch. I have put scrathes and nickes into the blade. The nicks sharpen adding a semi serated effects to the blade. Now I did this damage cutting a broken leg bone of a deer, right into the bone. It made it through the entire thing. But it all adds character to this kind of knife. This is the kind dad carried. When we were punks carrying some pointless attack style daggers that we never used, and when we did to cut kindling or something they broke. These aren't those, these are the grown up knives we earned. We find a small knife is perfect for stripping small wires, cutting packages open, cleaning our nails, cleaning the gaps on the plugs, cutting an end of a stick to roast hot dogs, we find out how this cleans and skins our game when we hunt. This isn't attitude, this is wisdom. This knife is on my list of three things I'd want with me if I got stranded in the woods. So what I am saying is I love this knife, it's not anything special, it's just a knife. But I went through many many knives until I got mine. I'd carry one for a while, then move on, but then this little pocket fitting guy was my knife, the knife I was going to marry, it was my pocket knife for life, the one my kids would get when I die, the one if I lost I'd never be able to replace. I really like mine, I'd suggest trying a buck today. I have hundreds of stories connected with mine its more than a knife, it's a best friend.
As soon as I opened the box and viewed the knife, I was very impressed. Very well built and sturdy. Made of very high quality! This knife should last a lifetime. I am impressed with how well it feels in my hand, for a small knife, it feels like a larger knife.
This is actually my first Buck. I have a handful of tactical blades, and wanted a real classic one to carry for special occasions or when i dress up. I think it's a little small for my EDC needs, but the slim blade makes it good for opening mail and packages. It is RAZOR sharp out of the box, which brings me to my next point. This is a non-locking blade, and a few days ago, it snapped shut on my finger while i was using it. Took a nice deli slice out of the tip of my finger. Really made me respect just how sharp this little knife really is. That being said, i know i was probably being an idiot, but i just prefer a locking blade. As such, this knife will probably sit on my desk and assume letter opener duty.
All in all, this is definitely a handsome, high quality knife at this price point, even if it is MADE IN CHINA. - Solo - Folding Knife - Folding Knives - Buck'
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