I know there was a lot of criticism about this game. But I have to disagree with all the terrible reviews out there. I played Duke back when I was younger and fondly remember playing Duke Nukem 64 for hours on end. This game brings back the memories. This game in my opinion was well worth the wait. I have waited for this game for a long time. Duke Nukem Forever is by no means for children, it is definitely intended for adults. Duke Nukem Forever: Balls of Steel Edition
I am a l o n g time fan of Duke. So reading this review you know that I am not just some one who wants to run their mouth. I think the game is terrible. And I know its because its not the game they have been working on for 12 years. Try more like a year, the company decided to quick release a cheap run through. You can tell by looking at the history and the final product.
+Duke Nukem quotes and humor
-LOading Time
-Same 5 weapons in the whole game only carrying 2 at a time
-Boring game play
-No want to ever replay
As for the special balls of steel package its a cheat package. Everything is 10 times smaller in real life than in the picture. Dont waste your hard earned money on this game or balls of steel package.
I give this an average rating, but the collector's version is all a misogynist could ever want! All the little knick knacks and extra items make it a little special, like being the Duke himself. Granted, I have no idea where to display the items such as the deck of cards or the dice or the poker chips, but just having them in the junk drawer makes me feel a little more awesome and a full force of male bravado. The contents are a 5/5, the game, as stated, is about average.
I am an old school gamer and Duke was one of my first pc games I played. I bought this for the nostalgia factor. It had some fun factor but does not hold up in todays gaming. A good buy if you can get it at a cheap price but not worth the usual $59.99 of modern day games.
(XBOX 360) Great game. Fun and in my opinion quite funny game always pokes fun at other games and culture references like the spinning top from INCEPTION like how duke hates VALVE puzzles and says "power armor is for p***ies" referring to master chiefs armor. game play has no major issues in campaign only problem is that i think the aim assist is a little toned down compared to other triple A titles (HALO REACH, HALO 3, COD) and load times can be quite long sometimes but other than that its fine. graphics are usually good but yo-yo up and down with some scenes looking great and others a little dated. frame rate is solid.
I bought this game for my husband. In his opinion it was worth the money. I think that being a fan of the original helps his opinion. The original definitely was lower quality in comparison to today's games so I understand that there was improvements. However, when I found out it took 12 years for this game to be completed, I expected a little more quality for a game that was put out today. Overall, I think this is one of the worse games ever created content wise. However, if you are a fan of the Duke Nukem character then I'm sure you'll like it. I just don't like how women are depicted in this game nor do I agree with condoning derogatory names for police officers. My ranking is based off of my husband's (an obvious fan) opinion.
I played the original Dukes, read the previews, the hype, and all the behind the scenes "who did who wrong" backstory of 15 years Forever being labeled as vaporware. My feeling going in was, "I will give this a chance to prove everyone wrong". So, with diminished expectations and fond memories of past Duke, I plunged head first into the the game that defied the expectations of ever seeing the light of day.
Whatever is under the bottom of a scraping barrel, Duke Nukem Forever is under that.
Stiff, barely mobile character movement, graphics that would make the original Deus Ex (2000) giggle, cringe worthy jokes (sexist I can deal with, lame, not so much), a story that can't even make the effort to pretend to be a claptrap of other alien invasion stories, and linear gameplay that was suffocating at the best of times made this the worst game I have played in ten years. Being a product of it's time does not make for a valid defense, it's a buggy, unfinished, static mess.
And it would be different if it were bad in a fun way or an entertaining way, but ultimately it feels like the game is a spiritual reflection of the total collapse of it's 3D Realms's creators ambitions and ultimate failure in finishing this game. There is no heart, no energy, nothing fun or interesting, it feels like code death warmed over. It is a perfunctory effort that at best opens the way for an actually good sequel in this franchise to follow and worst, is a naked cash grab on a terrible product.
The Balls of Steel Edition does come with some fun things (I especially like the dice and the paper Duke), but not worth shelling out the additional cash on an already overpriced game. Duke Nukem Forever should have sold for $20 at most as a downloadable game (XBLA for example) and not a full priced product.
Hopefully this is not the last of Duke and Gearbox puts 100% effort into the next Nukem. - Video Games'
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