These are excellent wraps but as people have noticed are junior wraps. As such, they're 108" long and are good for teens or women with smaller hands.
Men should use 180" wraps. Everlast sell full length mexican wraps and you can buy them on Amazon. Everlast 4455-3 3-Pk. Hand Wraps
I just wanted to give this a good review to counter the bad reviews by people that can't read. The product description says 108". If you are looking for something different than 108" wraps then keep searching. But if you can read and are looking for good wraps for smaller hands it seems to me that others that can read would recommend these.
Please remember that giving a product a bad rating does effect their sales.
I wish I had read the reviews before purchasing these. If you are going to do contact striking work (heavy bag, mitt work, etc.) then you need to protect your hands, and these wraps are too short for adults.
I have replaced them with longer "professional" wraps from Everlast, which are the proper length for adult hands.
Don't listen to the uneducated reviews here. These are great for hitting the heavy bag, speed bags, focus mitts, etc. The length of these, 108", makes them easier and less bulky when using bag gloves. The 170-180" are for sparring and competitive bouts. That is why Ringside makes different lengths. There is also a 120" length, which gives me that little extra coverage but these are excellent wraps!
At one time, you just needed to see the Everlast brand name to be assured that you were getting a top-quality product: one that would withstand anything you could throw at it.
Now that they've outsourced their manufacturing to China, Everlast quality is not the virtual guarantee that it once was.
I purchased (and use) these wraps. However, one of them was manufactured improperly. The velcro closure is sewn to a different side of the wrap than it is on all the others. Because of this, I always ended up putting it on backwards. I finally marked it so I would know to put it on differently than the others.
For around $10, you should expect to get something that has passed a quality-control check. After all, wraps are just some strips of cloth and velcro; they probably cost about $0.25 to manufacture.
These wraps are short, just over 100 inches, but fine for hitting the bag. They are not elasticized, but that is fine for my purposes, as it's what I prefer. If you want to do serious sparring or fighting, or if you want to put some padding on your knuckles (under the wraps), you'll need longer wraps than these. In short: you can wrap your wrist, knuckles, and thumb with these, but you won't have enough material to wrap between your fingers. They come packed in a plastic mesh bag, but it can't easily be reused. A cloth mesh bag with a drawstring would have been better.
Summary: overpriced and shoddily-made.
These are shorter than normal so you can't wrap your hand quite as well. They also are becoming frayed and the velcro bit that is sewed on is starting to come off. I can't imagine they'll be functional after a few more uses. The only pros are that they're cheap and come in a 3 pack. Next time I'm going to get a higher quality, longer wrap. Don't bother with these.
The length of the product was not an issue, they are short - but if you are female with small hands it is not a problem. The problem is the poor quality of the hand wraps and how uncomfortable they are. Handwraps should have some elasticity to it, so that you can get a tight protect wrap around your hand. These are stiff, so when you close your fist the wrap doesn't conform comfortably to your hand. I was so uncomfortable that I took them off halfway through class. Please do not waste your money on this product.
I dont know what the deal is with these wraps. I have been using everlast products for 20 years and have never had a set of wraps just fall apart on me in a matter of days like these ones have. Its possible that I might have recieved a manufacturers defect but the stitching on the thumb loop and velcro last me about 2 days with each of the 3 sets. So I could not recommend these to anyone.'
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