When I performed my weekly lens clean up last night, I found one of my lenses had scratches on the barrel and several letters in "Made in Japan" were gone (became "Made in J---n"). I was so angry because I have treated all my lenses so gentle and careful and also the scratched one happens to be my favorite lens! I later found that the reason of these scratches came from the lens cap leash I added several days ago. The metal piece on the leash was not clamped properly. The metal piece touched (and then scratched) the lens barrel when the cap was not caped on the lens and swinging under the lens barrel. I have to add a piece of Teflon tape to cover the metal piece for protection. It works fine after that piece of tape but damage is already there!
I inspected all 5 cap leashes I brought. Two of them (40%!) had clamp problem. So please check the cap leash first before your add it onto your lens. Sakar LCH-R Lens Cap Keeper
I've been using lens-leashes for the last 10 years now and I love them. I find them the most handy add-on when purchasing a new lens as it helps keep your lens-cap with the lens. Before this product, I'd be putting the cap in my pocket and it would either end up full of pocket lint or in my back pocket I'd sit on the darned thing and break them or they'd fall out of my pocket and go missing. This lens-leash saved the day and many times after.
I see some people don't like how it sticks to the lens-cap, saying it does not adhere well. My first thought is this "Did they clean the lens-cap before attaching the 'shoe' end of the leash?" "Did they put it on, then realize it was crooked and then re-apply it straight?" I've put mine on for years on each lens-cap and it has stayed put after all these years of use and sometimes accidental abuse (especially when children tug on them out of curiosity).
One thing I would recommend to do is to simply go to Home Depot. buy some of that double side foam tape found in their paint dept. They sell two kinds, a basic indoor only and an exterior grade foam tape. Opt for the exterior grade and I can guarantee you it won't come off without a whole lot strain and pain. ;)~ If my lens-leashes ever fall off, that'll be my solution, and again, you need to get the old gum off from the old foam-tape (use lighter fluid... it comes in a yellow plastic bottle with blue top. That works best for removing the sticky stuff and cleaning the plastic lens-cap so the new foam tape will adhere awesomely).
I love my lens-leash, I recommend them to ANY photo-fanatic of any age. :)
Cameras owned: Rebel XTi, 7D (both Canon)
I have two cameras and three lenses. Though this is a great product for the price, I think what I would have done and recommend all of you photography enthusiasts out there to do is THIS instead (it might cost more but I think the time saved will be worth it):
Buy a camera lens that has a leash attached. I saw them at Samy's ranging anywhere between $7-$12.
If you have several lenses like me and like to change them out according to what you feel is most effective for you that day, buying this leash will be a hassle. Because you'll want to change lenses and then you have to take the whole darn thing off.
If I had to do it again (and I think I might do this after I acquire more lenses), I would simply buy the lens covers WITH the leashes attached FOR EACH of my cameras. That way I don't have to detach the leash itself.
I would highly recommend NOT putting lens caps in your pocket, purse, bra (lol), etc. because the grease, lint, dust, etc. will get on your cap and therefore on your lens. WHY TAKE THE CHANCE???
And filter lens, everybody. That's the ticket. It's like protecting your eyes against the sun with sunglasses. Buy a cheapie UV lens and avoid the heartache and financial hardship that WILL come your way if you don't listen! - Lens Cap Keeper - Lens Accessories - Lens Cap Strap - Lens Accessory'
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