This is a DS game that you can let your younger kids play without worrying about violence or inappropriate content. Although kids from eight and up may get bored very quickly, it can be played by kids as young as three, with some guidance.
There are two phases to the game, which has a little back-story about three stolen color crystals and colors disappearing all over the world. There's the Adventure mode, where you complete jigsaw puzzles, join-the-dots and speed coloring; and there's the coloring book.
Adventure Mode: Fairly easy puzzles that can be completed by most four year olds without help.
1. The Jigsaw puzzles have all the pieces the right way up, so all you need to do is find where they go and slide them in place. This is a novel way of introducing puzzle solving.
2. The Join-the-dots puzzles require only basic counting knowledge. Just touch a swirling rainbow and the puzzle appears.
3. The speed coloring game requires that you color flashing objects quickly, before a character fades away.
4. The Boss Challenge is the part where you catch a robber and color him in order to get back the missing color crystals.
5. To complete the Adventure Mode, you have to track down three robbers in different locations, unlocking crayons and coloring pages after completing each game.
This leads us to the Coloring Book, where the fun really begins.
1. By completing the Adventure Mode, you will now have 120 crayons to play with and 110 different pictures in six categories, namely dinosaurs, vehicles, farm, ocean, zoo and adventure.
2. Simple button options allow you to choose colors, erase mistakes, use a narrow or wide tipped coloring tool, and even choose between crayon and marker.
3. After coloring the object on the screen, you can also add grass, trees, sky or whatever your imagination requires.
The game saves itself as you go along, but in case you want to start all over again, there's a reset option. During play, a character named Tip provides helpful hints, but as there's no audio for this feature, basic reading skills may be required.
The only two negative aspects are that the three adventures all play the same types of games, which get boring after a while, and that the game is overpriced, all things considered.
Once the adventure is over, ask your kids to let you have a turn coloring - you'll find that it's great fun, but please remember that you have to give it back.
Amanda Richards, January 13, 2008 Crayola Treasure Adventures
I actually got this game for myself because I loved coloring when I was young & figured it would be neat on the DS. The side adventures are for very young audiences, which was completely expected. I am aware that 28 year olds are not the target market.
The coloring aspect of this game was exactly what I was hoping for. The colors are bright, there are lots of pictures, and it makes good use of the touch screen. For these aspects, I would give this game five stars.
However, this game only gets a three from me because there is no save option. When you color a picture, it's erased when you turn the DS off. That's pretty much a deal breaker for me, so I gave mine away.
This is another great game that all of my girls enjoy (ages 9 with special needs, 7 and 3). The game is a little complicated for my three year old (just turned three) to do the puzzles without help, but she loves coloring and all of my girls ask constantly to play the game. I would recommend this game! We buy all of our games for ds based on ratings from ign.com and this game rated very well on there. Also, amazon was great and shipping was fast- this game is actually very hard to find, as none of the stores around us carried it and only a few online stores. Amazon was the cheapest due to the free shipping..ebay didn't even have it!
We got this for our 6 year old to play on his DS Light. He likes it, but the arrows on the screen, coupled with the many sentences on the top screen take a long time to just get to the actual playing. He's just beginning to read, but he's not really interested in what they have to say, he wants to get to the adventure part. It is fun. Our 2 1/2 year old loves the connect the dots part and clicking on the shimmering objects. It's an okay game. They like to color too, once again, there are too many choices of things to click to complete the actual picture.
I got this so my 3 year old boy would have a ds game to play that he could play with very little assistance. There are a few things he had to figure out through practice...but almost everything he can do himself. He not only loves to color, but he likes to do the puzzles and other activities. The activities seem kind of repetitive, but you know children, they don't mind! (kind of like they are about hearing their favorite story over and over again.)
DOESN'T SAVE...but the children don't seem to mind. I kind of do, but they don't...well at least when I explain they can't save their coloring, but they do get to color it again and again and again. Sometimes I take a picture of them if they particularly like their work (on my good digital camera, or on my cell phone).
I was upset that it didn't have any free drawing...until one day I saw that there is one that is a picture frame, and on the inside of the frame you can draw whatever you want.
Also, you can only draw in marker or crayon. And it does NOT let you color out of the lines.
Sadly, he lost this game the other day, because he was carrying it around and being kind of a "naughty 3 year old." I don't want to replace it because, I am waiting to buy it used...unless I find the one he's lost. Really, you can't go wrong with this game...unless your little ones are playing more advanced FAST PACED GAMES, and have Lost the youthful enjoyment of slower paced games.
P.S. My 3 year old has high functioning autism....doesn't sit still too long, but he actually does sit longer while doing this game.
Not only do my 3 older children enjoy coloring on this, but I (39 years) even enjoy coloring on this game...not as much as "Imagine Artist" which has painting and color pencils, but it still allows for a lot of colorful fun. - Coloring - Kids Games - Nintendo Ds Games - Toddler Activities'
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