After owning 3 Lawn Boy's and Sears Craftsman mowers,I have to say that this is by far the best mower I have owned in years. My previous mower was/is a lawn boy 2 stroke. I liked it, but it was very smelly and frequently broken. Luckily, it was easy to repair. I just got tired of constantly having to fix something, so I did some research and decided on this unit. The first time I used it I was expecting to have to empty the grass bag frequently as with my lawn boy, but it shredded the clipping so fine it seemed like the bag would never get full. I used to empty the bag on my lawn boy many times just doing the back yard, but with this machine I only had to empty it 2 times.
If your looking for a new mower, I would highly recommend any of the super recycler mowers.
They also come with a simple yet ingenious wash out connection. just connect a hose to the fitting, turn on the water, and start the motor. No more grass build up under the deck. Toro Super Recycler Self-Propelled Mower Briggs & Stratton 7 TP (21") #20092
I have a small landscaping company, and have used many mowers over the years. I have to say this is a wet lawn bagging dream machine, but the bag falls off at any bump due to the fact the bag hanger only holds on by maybe a 1/4 of an inch on each side, no reason they couldn't have added an additional 1/4 inch of steel to seat the bag better. The wheels are set to far back to push the mower over any inclines or up stairs easily. It also seems to have resistance as you try to push it while it's not running. Over all this is the best mower I have found this year unfortunetly, but given a choice I'd take a 2008-2009 Lawnboy any day of the week hands down. I wish the mower companies would start testing their own products and quit getting rid of the winners only to replace them with inferior products.
Consumer Reports rates it 2nd after a much more expensive Honda, but why pay $99.99 MORE than List Price?? makes NO sense whatsoever.
Keep looking, someone must have this on sale as we near the end of Summer.
I bought this mower and the engine ran great for about 5 months. Now I cant keep it working its in and out of repair shop. The entire mower is a piece of crap! If your grass is the slightest bit wet will jam up and not fill the bag. The mower pumps grass into the battery compartment. Oh yes that electric start lasted about 6 weeks! Toro what happened to you? I also bought a toro weed eater and that is a piece of junk also. What ever you do save your money and stay away from Toro.
JUST a terrible mower, i payed 360$ from a dealer after discounts.The first one i got wouldnt start half the time and would smoke alot,so i returned it.I exchanged it for another because i though i had a lemon.Well with my new one i started haveing problems with the rear wheels locking up when pulling back on it so i took it to the dealer and they adjusted the personal pace.Then last week both of my rear tires got flat spots in them so i took it back again and they took a whole week to put 2 tires on it.So now this week the tires got flat spots in them again so back to the dealer i go this week ! also the motor miss fires half of the time makeing a popping noise out of the muffler and they said that its just the design of it and to bad.Im going to get rid of it after they replace the tires and probly buy a honda or a sears craftsman professional.I REALY REALY REALY wanted to love this mower, its soooooo light and mulches grass like a dream.But toro has just lost their quality in the past 5 years.
This mower performed very well the first time out even though the conditions were not perfect. The clean-out feature is truly an asset for clearing debris under the mower deck. Although the mower was originally received in a damaged condition (not sure if it was defective prior to shipment or damaged during shipment) the company accepted a return and shipped a replacement. - Gas-powered'
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