Most of us grew up playing this game in some form or fashion - I can remember being in the back of the car on a long trip with a large pad of paper with a 100 square grid playing with my sister. We were usually good to be a little more quiet for ten minutes or so until one or the other would get frustrated with losing, or gloating a little too much with winning.
This game is pretty basic, with a 4 x 4 grid no matter what level you choose (easy, medium, hard): it would be nice if you could get a 10 x 10 grid, as the 4 x 4 grid goes really fast. I didn't find too much of a difference in the computer's level of play between the medium and the hard version. The speed of the game, in terms of how fast does the computer move as well as you being able to make your next move, is pretty good as compared to some of the other games I've played on the Kindle.
If you're looking for a quick "get away" game for your Kindle, you're probably going to like this and the price (free) is certainly worth it. Go ahead and pick it up and give it a try! Dots and Boxes
This game is fun and just like the one I played as a kid (and with my kids). I played my first few games on Medium against the computer and won them all fairly easily. Then I tried the Hard setting. Wow! The Kindle is really smart and very tricky. I played 3 or 4 games on Hard and haven't been able to beat the Kindle yet. I must say, it's a little frustrating.
All games are in a grid 5 dots across and 5 dots down, making for 4 boxes x 4 boxes. It would be fun to be able to play on a larger grid, but navigation might get difficult if the grid was too much bigger (thus making the boxes, dots, and lines smaller to fit on the screen). Navigation and game play is fairly simple and easy to get used to with instructions at the bottom of the screen to let you know what to do to select a line to draw. You use your arrows on the 5-way controller to arrow over to the box you want to draw the line in. The boxes are clearly outlined so there is no question what box you are playing. Once you are in the box you want, you select it by pushing the middle of your 5-way controller. Then arrows are displayed inside the box, showing you which lines are available for you to draw. You then arrow in the direction of the line you want to draw and the line is drawn. It's that simple. If you close a box, your "symbol" (either an elephant or a lion) is put in your box.
You can choose a 2 player pass and play version but i haven't tried that yet.
All in all this is a simple but fun game. Kids would like it especially on the easy or medium 1 player settings. Most definitely worth it for free!
Just like the paper version, however only a 4x4 square. Play against the computer or with 2 players. Keeps a running tally of victories. Great for playing with young kids. Very quick response unlike some Kindle games. The Price is Right! $0.00.
I feel that this game makes very good use of the controls on the Kindle. It uses the five-point cursor in order for the player to select a slot to place a line. First, you use the five-way controller to select the "box" you want to place a stick, then you select whether you want to place the "stick" on the north, south, east, or west part. Due to the comfortable interface, it makes the game fun and easy to play.
My only concern is this game might get boring after a while if it is too easy, otherwise it's a very enjoyable game which makes good use of the buttons on the Kindle.
It's free, it's fun, and it makes you think about the moves you make. After three or four games, I finally tied the Kindle on Hard. After the fifth or sixth game, I finally won. A fun and challenging game, I only wish the board could be bigger.
This fun little game is an amazing throwback to my childhood. Who didn't play this at some point as a kid when you should've been paying attention in class? In this game, you are trying to close the majority of boxes before your opponent can. You can play against the computer, or another person on the same Kindle. This is a great for passing a few minutes - I have played it several times when waiting to walk out the door for work. And it's free!
I never played this game as a kid, and after reading the reviews that others played it as a kid, I'm starting to wonder if I lived a sheltered life.
Regardless, the game is pretty cool - trying to beat the Kindle is a bit difficult - at Medium level, I'm getting beat regularly, but it makes for a nice distraction from reading. It would also make for a good game with kids that are say, under 8 (versus the other Amazon games) because it doesn't involve cards or gambling, but non-threatening lions and elephants.
It's free, so if you don't like it, then delete it. It's hard to argue with the value of something that's free.
My 6 year old son and I downloaded this and were instantly yelling out loud "lion" and "elephant." The game is faster and funner than paper. The graphics are georgeous. A great lead in to our reading time... Maybe a little "Life of Pi" Thank you.
This is a great game since I was little. My dad was the first one to teach me and now they made agame of this on the Kindle. This is a good game to pass the time. You can play with your friends or against the Kindle. You will never get bored of this or at least I don't. I remember playing against my dad and how he used to let me win but, now that I'm older he tries to win but sometimes he can't. I now play with my sister an it's getting difficult because we know a lot of little tricks to get the other one stuck. You can even learn tricks to get the Kindle stuck too. You will enjoy this game a lot. I sometimes play against my mom. I haven't bet her yet but, some day I will.Playing against my brother was easy but, playing against the Kindle was a lot harder if your playing difficult/hard. For one thing it's free and another thing its a great game to play. - Word Games - Kindle Active Content - Kindle Games - Games'
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