My 11-year-old daughter has been a subscriber for about 1 ½ years and absolutely adores Discovery Girls. She reads it cover to cover the day it arrives in the mail. It provides a great mix of articles about issues that affect the 7-12 age group as well as fashion tips, celebrity interviews, quizzes and more - all the things the girls are looking for in a magazine! The readers provide much of the content for the magazine so it is truly a forum for girls to express themselves as well as an opportunity to see that other girls are having the same experiences. As a parent, I like the magazine because it is completely appropriate for the "tween" girl - great content in the articles (real topics about real issues), limited advertising and the "models" are readers who are chosen by their answers on a questionnaire, not by the way they look. It's nice for girls who are beginning to worry about body image to be able to see normal girls just like them in the pages of a national magazine. I would definitely recommend this magazine to anyone who knows a girl in the 7-12 age range! Discovery Girls (1-year)
I am a media specialist at public school. I am in charge of ordering various media including magazines for our library. Discovery Girls was first sent to me as a sample. Upon reviewing the contents I quickly decided this was a keeper and ordered a subscription for my students. I is so nice to see someone publishing a magazine where teen girls are presented as wholesome, age-appropriate teen girls and not as exploited, skin-bearing women. I had been hoping for years for a magazine like this. Discovery Girls is packed with topics appealing to teens. The layout is vivid and attracting. If you are concerned about content and role models for teen girls then this is the magazine you have been waiting for.
1. They come to your state and may choose you to be in the magazine, which is VERY exciting!2. It talks just enough about boys and crushes to keep you satisfied and clued in, and it doesn't go overboard trying to keep guys in or out of the magazine.3. The beauty section talks about natural things, like hair care and acne, as oppose to "shaping your eyebrows" and "getting a fake tan."4. The fashion section advertises cute clothes and accessories that are affordable and that you'll actually wear. Some other magazines were advertising how these ugly bright tights are going to be "hot" this year (and at pretty expensive stores,may I add). 5. Tons of quizzes! And not quizzes like, "Do You Know How to Get Your Guy?", but, "Are You Pop Star Material?" and, "Will You Survive Camp?"6. Lots of cool contests, like describing your ultimate birthday party!7. The girls they have in the magazines are girls that you really can relate to and don't look they've been on an extreme crash diet for two years. Also, they aren't wearing clothes with plunging necklines, super-short minis, leather jackets, and sequined bras.8. The magazine has debates on subjects like, "Are school uniforms a good idea?" And they publish both sides of the argument!I hope you love Discovery Girls as much as I have!
Discovery Girls magazine is geared toward 8-12 year old girls, and the content and design of the magazine reflects that well. I appreciate the magazine for the fact that it highlights the achievements of regular girls and discusses everyday issues. Girls submit stories and poems, draw pictures, discuss different debate topics (e.g. "Is Brittney Spears a Good Role Model?") and there are no professional models! My daughter loves the fact that there are "reals girls" in the magazine and is thrilled by the possibility of being in it herself. I like this magazine because it is not your typical "teen" magazine in which boys and celebs seem to be the main focus. Discovery Girls focuses on everyday, ordinary girls and the issues they face in this transition into the teen years. Such topics include changing in front of other girls at school, dealing with bullies, when to wear a bra, and middle school fears. Of course there is the fun stuff too, such as embarrassing moments, crafts, contests, games, quizzes, fashion, and sports tips. I recommend it to mothers and daughters alike!
This magazine is totally cool. It's great for any girl between 7~12. I've just turned 12 and I know that soon I'll be too old for it, but I think I'll still keep reading it. For mom's worried about if it has "junk"; kissing, boys, etc, it has nothing like that. It mostly is about how to have a good friendship!!!
This magazine has fashion, but in a way that helps you to express yourself by fashion, know what I mean? So it's cool. I always have a hard time waiting for it in the mail. And it's worth the wait!!!
So even though most of the magazines nowadays are all about relationships with boys and ridiculous fashions, celebrities and popstars, this magazine is for normal girls. It's covergirls are normal girls, instead of celebrity teens, giving the everyday girl a chance to stand out.
So I think that it is the perfect magazine for any girl, because of it's understandable issues, appropriate topics, cool craft ideas, and fun fashion. Thank you for reading this. I hope it has been useful.
This magazine is really good for girls ages 9-13! It's more sophisticated than your average kids magazine, but it's not all about boys and makeup like a teen magazine... I could never find an appropriate magazine before, until my friend showed me hers. I read it and it was sooooo good. Also, though there are a few ads, they're actually of something a preteen might actually want to buy. I strongly recommend this magazine!
This magazine is great for adolescent girls - it fits perfectly between American Girl aged girls and older teenaged girls - so many magazines have junk, actual junk, that girls with good lifestyles and good esteem don't need to bring them 'down' - THIS MAGAZINE has POSITIVE MESSAGES & INTERESTING ARTICLES - it's the type of magazine that a MOM or AUNT or FRIEND will purchase for a YOUNG LADY.'
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