Labeling this DVD an infomercial overstates the case. There are maybe three parts of the video where he (Fu-Tung Cheng) is hawking his products. They are super easy to blip past. Thankfully, so are a few of his jokes.
The real issue becomes, if you choose not to use his products, then it leaves you no information on measuring out fibers, coloring agents and water reducers. ("Concrete Countertops," his book, is good stuff and I recommend getting it first, this DVD does *not* replace the book. The book predates the his product line, so it has the aforementioned measuring information, and making your own faucet knockouts, etc.)
That said, here is why the video is worth it.
It is useful to see the how the process as described in the book (above) has been refined, i.e. putting packing tape over the form screws (instead of modeling clay in the screw heads). Or, that they use a cordless vibrator that is maneuverable/gentle enough to use in the form (in the book, they talk about how dangerous they can be and only use them clamped to the table - Now he's got a Makita cordless job). And they spread the decorative aggregates on the form surface now, affixed with Super 77 (instead of adding a boatload to the mix like it was gravel), which makes much more sense to me...
A moving picture is worth a million billion words (for me). I would review the scenes before I did each section. I am sure this saved my [...], as I am prone to skimming over some crucial passage. Like when he stops cold and says - "I have been using 1 5/8s screws, but you must use 1 1/4 here or you will break right through your form walls"
A am a bit biased, I got a "free" pound of Neomix when I bought the DVD off of Cheng's site ("free" with shipping, that is); so I felt I did all right. (Psst. Hey kid, the first one's free... Just trying to get me hooked, I suppose.)
An interesting extra is I found 80lb bags of 5000 psi concrete (not quickcrete brand) at my Home Depot with fibers and reducers already mixed in. That pretty much leaves color...
Minuses: Extras? pah. Would be nice if they showed how to build a curved form or something. Also, sometimes They Show Him Putting In Every Screw. A bit more agressive editing couldn't hurt. Nothing significant enough to dock stars. Concrete Countertops DIY (Instructional DVD) featuring Fu-Tung Cheng
At http://www.graniterock.com/grtheater.html there is a free quicktime video by same person describing basic methods of building pre-formed concrete counter tops. FMI check out buddyrhodes.com (competitor) and "the concrete exchange" run by same author to sell his products
The DVD gives you the gist of how to make a counter top, but doesn't teach you how to install it or how to conceal seams that the cast in place leaves. Also, half the video is Fu-Tung pushing his products rather than teaching what the DVD advertises: building counter tops. I feel let down by the DVD because I did some counter tops withou any training and expected this DVD to answer some of my questions, but it turned out to be a uninformative sales pitch. This is a more scathing review than the DVD deserves. For someone with no clue what they're doing this is a good jumping off point.
This DVD is not a stand alone product, it gives you a good high level overview of the basics. What really bothered me was that Mr. Cheng constantly pitched his new products throughout the DVD. The DVD did help and make the process clearer then reading the book alone.
We used this disc along with the Cheng materials and books when making our own concrete countertop. It was very helpful, especially if you have never worked with concrete before like us. The DVD is good because you can see things being done rather than just a snapshot like in the book. We really needed both though (books and DVD).
If you are interested in building your own concrete countertops, this DVD is a "must have." In this simple to follow DVD, industry expert Fu-Tung Cheng guides you step-by-step through the process--from templating the design, through building the molds, mixing and pouring, finishing, and sealing and waxing, this DVD covers it all. This is a high quality production, with good sound and lighting and multiple camera angles. It is the perfect companion to Cheng's first book,"Concrete Countertops", which has become the definitive guide to the subject. The DVD also shows how to use some new products which were not around when the book was written. - Do It Yourself Concrete Work - Fu-tung Cheng'
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