I went to this web site to purchase two gift cards, one for my brother and another for my cousin. Easy enough right? Wrong! I went through the process of enterring all of the information; by the time I got to the end a pop-up would appear stating that I took to long and that my order wasn't processed. So, I went through the process again. Finally I received a confirmation number. Remember I had to buy 2 gift cards; I had the same problem with both purchases. Something told me to call AMEX and check on my purchases. To my surprise, 4 GIFT CARDS WERE PURCHASED!! I spoke with a representative who told me that -while on the phone- he canceled the extra gift cards. Today I checked my account, I saw 2 gift cards purchased on the 18th and 2 more cards purchased on the 21st. I love my family and didn't tell them, but I will be contacting my bank as well as AMEX for the second time. Take my advice and don't make the same mistake that I made. If you need to purchase a gift card, do it in-person or use the VISA or Master Card websites. American Express Have A Blast Gift Card $50 - E-reader - Kindle Devices - Gift Card - Ebook'
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