this unit is fantastic and has almost no limitations. The ability to shoot 23g over 1/2 opens up trim options that we feared before ( the labor and aggravation of getting that perfect finish) ...not anymore...the gauge is so small it literally looks like a speck of dust on a the surface and with anything more than a mid finish is untraceable...pull out is a pain if you misfire but that's when cool heads and a pair of lineman's prevails...all in all a must have for finish work
PS: I almost forgot...be careful..this unit has a double trigger..that said once the triggers are armed its a free for all..no nose tip pressure needed to fire so be careful Grex P650L 23-Gauge 2-Inch Headless Pinner with Lock-Out
This is a little high for a pinner but worth it. The ability to use 2 inch pins is priceless. No need to fill the head marks. You can not see them. Grex is great quality also. I've had it for about two months. Just finished a bar project and used this exclusively.
I'm glad a friend of mine convinced me to try this pinner out for various trim and moulding projects I had around the house. Not only was the gun effortless and hassle free to use, the pinner leaves a hole so small that a dab of paint or caulking is all is needed to hide the pin. I've use this gun for over 100 hours without experiencing any jams. Air consumption was average, nothing my 8 gallon compressor couldn't handle. Just be sure to keep the PSI above 100 to ensure the pin has good penetration. One other useful feature is the ability to use 2-inch pins which is rare among pinners. I highly recommend this tool, especially if you can use this in lieu of an 18GA finish nailer.
This is an awesome nail gun. We have used and continue to use this gun for many projects throughout the house.It handles both big and small jobs with ease. It can do so many things. It is lightweight and so easy that anyone can use it. We used this for all of our crown moulding and it looks fantastic. You can't even see where the nails are. It holds up great and we have never had a problem with it. We have tried other guns only to have them jam up on us and not work. I definitely recommend this gun especially if you are a do-it- yourself-er. If you are looking for great reliable tools, Grex is the company to look for. They make lots of quality tools.
Why own multiple finish guns when you can use one gun to do it all. Accurate, reliable, delivers flawless performance. Yes you do get what you pay for. I use the P650 for all jobs. Crown molding, all finish trim, etc... even to tack 2X4s in place. Make sure you use Grex pins too.
I used this pinner with great results.
It hasn't jamed or mis-fired using the Grex 2" pins.
It's very hard to see the pin when shot into the wood and leaves no hammer marks.
I would highly recommend this Pinner to anyone that wants results with "guality" workmenship.
I have more then my fair share of nail guns including 2 headless pin nailers (Ridgid & Freeman). My only justification of why I purchased the Grex was because it shoots 2" pins. Before I was forced to use a brad nailer if i needed something longer then 1". The problem with a brad nail is that it has a head and leaves a fairly large hole. The Grex pins leave an almost microscopic hole. Most of the time I don't even have to fill the holes they are so small. The Ridgid and Freeman pin nailers worked ok. They would jam occasionally but the Grex has never jammed on me. I have put at least several thousand nails through the Grex with out a single hiccup. Just remember to put a few drops of oil in the air connection every time you use the gun to prolong the seals.
I had been looking at this tool for a long time at woodworking shows and was always amazed at the demonstrations of it's power and the ability to drive a 2" pin into hardwood. I've had the Accuset pinner for a long time but it will only drive a 1" pin, also a great tool. I took the plunge last year and bought the Grex 2" pinner because I had several trim jobs comming up. What a wonderful tool. It really does do all the things I'd seen in the demonstrations and does it quite well. I've used it to install 1/4 round over new tile and wood floors, cabinet trim of all types and even tried it on cove molding with great success. I'm sold on the tool and highly recommend it. Not one miss fire or problem in over a year of use.
I was in the market for a pin nailer and spent over a month researching... All the great reviews kept me coming back towards Grex (which by the way I never even heard of until I started looking for a pin nailer), but I was having bad sticker shock so I just kept looking.. I finally came to my senses and bought the gun (praying I'd get what I paid for)... The day very day it arrived (about 7 months now), it went right to the job site... It went right to work hanging cabinet crown molding and trim... I didn't have a single nail not sink all the way and not a single jamb... I started using it to install baseboard and had the same results (every nail sank and no jambs)... I've never had that with any of my other pin nailers... Its been 7 months now and this gun continues to work like the first day... The dry fire lock out is an absolute must for quality finish work and the ability to change out nail sizes without any adjusting on the gun is just a great bonus!!! I'm always sure to oil it after every job and try not to abuse it (mainly cause of the cost)... But without a doubt, I did get what I paid for and have been nothing but impressed with the quality and performance of this Grex tool... Too the point that just recently I needed a new palm nailer and when I saw that Grex made one, I didnt even hesitate this time(even though it cost about $50-$70 more than the competitors)... I'm confident it will be just as well built as the pin nailer... - Grex - Micro Pinner - 23 Gauge - Nail Gun'
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