I am very happy with my s5000 superwinch. I used it to drag a old car onto my trailer that hasn't moved since 1984. Using a snatch block, I dragged the car with 3 flat tires with only the front tires turning. The only problem I had was the cable wanted to roll up on one side. The long control cable made it easy to walk around and do what needed to be done because I loaded it by myself. Superwinch 1450200 S5000 Series Master Winch
Purchased this winch for my tilt trailer to pull non-operational vehicles up onto the trailer. This is a very nice setup. I made a quick release attachment so I could remove it from the trailer when not in use. I also purchased the remote and the battery cable hookup that attaches to my pickup battery. This was a great setup. Thank you
take away the fancy covers and you're left with a flimsey piece of junk that could be bought anywhere else for under $100 . I used mine less than 20 times to load a car onto a trailer and it simply pulled itself apart . threads in fairlead mounting bolt holes stripped out and flange on spool cracked and broke . structural integrity is shot so now gears are skipping .
After I first installed the winch it didn't operate under load. The trouble shooting guide pointed me to look for loose connections. After I checked all the connections I had made the unit still did not work. I then removed the cover and found that NONE of the internal connections had been tightened. After I tightened the connections the unit has operated without problem. - Winches'
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