This is my first smartphone, and I admit I was having mixed feelings after my bad experience with my "old" Nokia N82. However I was positively surprised by some aspects of the device, specially the responsiveness and the usability. It is really easy to use, I gave it to my mom (she's 60 and always has problems to use tech stuff) and she just started to use it! Now after 2 weeks I think I have some contribution...
What I liked:
The touchscreen works very well, with some inaccuracy, only perceived in rare occasions when I need to click a link without zooming in the screen
The speed: usually it is very fast to switch from an app to another.
Live Wallpaper: very impressive (although I suspect it eats the battery).
"Modem" feature: in 30 seconds my laptop was connected to the Internet using the phone's 3G network, and without any cable!
Camera: comes with all those candies the modern cameras have. I liked the Panorama.
Display: amazing colors and cristal clear, can be used even at direct sunlight.
Unlock Pattern: Sounds like a silly thing, but I liked it!
Power profile: it shows how much of the battery is being consumed and by application, and then you may have a chance to improve battery life. In my case the display is by far the most battery eater, so there's not too much I can do, except do not use it.
What worked
Web browser. It was able to render every page I've visited, it is fast and easy to use.
Multi screen. It is nice to have more than one screen. I know it should be very useful, I just don't know for what.
Swype: surprisingly easy to use, just needs some improvement on word prediction.
Maps and traffic information.
What could be improved
Software shop definitely needs to be improved, for example: I want the possibility to sort out search results, I want more filter options, and, of course, more software available. Also, some kind of security review/karma would be useful. Some form of accreditation of the suppliers also could help. I'm not saying I want the Apple dictatorial system, but I think some basic security indication/checking/verification would be good.
Wifi: It works OK most of the time, but sometimes it does not connect automatically and then I have to go to the list of networks and click on the "Connect" button.
3G: it took me some time to understand how to configure the network. I still not 100% sure I could do it again if I lost the configuration...
Applications: too many applications, poorly organized. I'd like to have a way to group them in a logical way or inside a folder, specially those rarely used (may be there is a way and I just need to learn how to use it).
Language: The default language is Korean or Chinese (I'm ignorant and I don't know the difference between the ideograms). It should come in English!
Language Support: definitely need to have Portuguese support.
Speech recognition (Vlingo): That's a bad joke. I say SECTOR, it understands SEX STORE. Hmmm, is it reading my mind? :)
Battery Life: It lasts for one day, in a good day. Much less if you are a heavy user.
Access device's storage: That's tricky! I spent a whole day trying to find a way to use the device's media on Linux... And then I found the problem: the SD card need to be unmounted first! (settings/SD card/Unmount SD card). Once I did that it worked.
GPS: The initial lock takes much longer than Nokia N82.
3G usage: I don't know how much data is being transmitted/received, let's see the next phone bill. That "background transfer" "feature" is my concern. Also, it could have some sort of carrier/network type selection, it is always using the network even when the only network available is Edge. OK, maybe it already has this control and I just don't know where it is.
Lateral buttons: I'm always mistakenly pressing the buttons.
Glitches: It hanged a couple of times. One of the times I had to remove the battery to get it back. Sad. Samsung I9000 8 GB Galaxy S Unlocked GSM Smartphone with 5 MP Camera, Android OS, Touchscreen, Wi-Fi, GPS and MicroSD Slot - Unlocked Phone - No Warranty - Black
I just inserted the SIM and start the phone and worked just fine.
A day after I upgraded it OS to Android 2.2.1 with Hebrew support easily.
This is a great phone for everyone who needs a smartphone.
The GPs is working just fine.
When I placed my order, I was kinda doubtful about my decision, but once I received it, I thought I would never change it with an iphone!!! I had a iphone 3gs previously, this one is much lighter than that one, and also lighter than my friend's iphone 4g. It has a sleek appearance. The main page has room for some applications, you don't see all of those icons at the first glance. The camera is great, finally it is more budget friendly.
The Galaxy S arrived perfectly packed on its case, and it was the best purchase I made in cell phones in a long time, The internet is full of customizations, Firmware changes for the international version, so it was easy to update the firmware to Froyo and even to load a customized Firmware by DARKY. Just spent some hours searching and studying how to do it, and voila, a brand new Galasy S International, unlocked with a customized Firmware, working perfectly in Brazil.
Great purchase, arruved perfectly and I am very satisfied
This is my 2nd smartphone, but the first with a touchscreen, and I'm quite happy with it. It is very easy to use, and there are a lot of functionality that don't leave it behind of the iphone 4. yet it is lighter than iphone, and have a Super amoled Screen. It is already unlocked.
I'm using it here in Brazil with TIM, and works perfectly. But this international version does not have Digital TV as an option, although the Brazilian Version sold here comes with, but has a very higher price (almost double price). As we can find in so many differents reviews, this phones lacks a flash for its camera, but still the Photo pictures at night shoots have a very good quality.
I already upgraded to Android 2.2.1, that makes it a little bit faster.
I did have some trouble using its GPS without a 3G or wifi connection, because the Google Maps probably need some kind of internet connection, but you can download other GPS navigators.
I highly recommend this Smartphone.'
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