Well, I wasn't expecting a great deal from this film. In fact, I probably wouldn't have seen it at all if it hadn't gotten surprisingly good reviews. The Rock was pretty forgettable in 'The Scorpion King', although not terrible, but he puts in a great performance here. Tasked with the retrieval of a wayward son, he ends up in a three (or four) way hunt for a mysterious golden idol, along the way enountering everything from homicidal gold miners to jungle rebels to packs of angry monkeys. It is one funny movie, and the action scenes are great. Most importantly, the cast has both charisma and quality, and the dialogue isn't nearly as stilted as you'd expect in a typical action film. You can tell they all had fun making the movie, perhaps because it was actually filmed in Hawaii. Regardless, you should check this out even if you have doubts about it, because it will win you over. The Rundown (Full Screen Edition)
This movie is truly Rock-solid; the inimitable pro-wrestler turned actor admirably struts his stuff here in terms of sheer muscular star power and heavyweight charisma, and proceeds to turn the Amazonian jungle upside down in the process. This is certainly no dramatic masterpiece, but all of the cast are excellent in this incredible action movie, especially Christopher Walken, doing a turn as a witty yet egomaniacal villain who simply isn't prepared for the consequences as `Beck' (the Rock) arrives on his doorstep in his part of the jungle to retrieve the errant son of a gangster he is indebted to. The murder and mayhem that ensue make up two hours of first class entertainment as we find Rock against the world, and the world getting the worst part of the deal. The movie is wonderfully photographed, and the comic moments flow from the opening sequences, when Beck step into a crowded bar to retrieve a debt from a pro football player. The ensuing madness is so well choreographed and played out that it is entirely believable despite the fact that it is strictly super-heroics that the character Rock plays has to deliver to punch, elbow, and drop-kick the whole offensive line of a pro football team in pursuit of his man. Likewise, the bar-room fight scene that sets up the rest of the movie once Beck arrives in Brazil is a study in athletic make-believe, so far out it is both fun and amazing to watch, as long as you can suspend your critical faculties long enough to not laugh out loud at the silliness of some of the supposed stunts. But the Rock never disappoints, and he always entertains! Indeed, like some of the better early Schwarzenegger movies (e.g. `Predator'), the wit and winsome qualities of both the characters and the plot are indeed quite entertaining despite the fact we all know who is going to win, and thus have very little doubt as to how things will progress as the tale spins along toward its conclusion. Also, one can see that Rock is rising very quickly to fill the action hero void once held by Arnie and Sly Stallone. He has a lot of screen presence, and is a joy to watch in action. What's more, he seems to handle himself very well, and is quite believable on the screen, which is no small feat given the cartoon-like aspects of the story line. All in all, a great action flick, and one you will likely want to include in your video library. Enjoy!
I enjoyed this movie on DVD and it is even better on HD DVD. Great picture quality with the lush jungle scenes and lots of bass in the soundtrack.
The movie is also very entertaining with lots of action and humor. The Rock plays a goon that has been sent to retrieve his bosses son played by Seann William Scott (a.k.a Stiffler from American Pie). The interaction between them is hilarious. The great Christopher Walken plays the bad guy and he is his classic self. His awesome dialogue (I wonder how much was ad-libbed?) and his pants pulled up to his drooping breasts add the finishing touches to this terrific movie. I think this is the Rock's best movie and a sequel must be made!
There is no such thing as a nice action hero. Good thing The Rock learned early and beat up a bunch of football players who gave him troubles. He even gave one of them a Rock Bottom through the floor! "The Rundown" is about a bounty hunter (The Rock) who has to find that noisy "American Pie" guy in South America. There he meets an evil tycoon man who likes free labor. Throughout the movie, Beck falls off a cliff, gets thrown into the air buy some jungle warriors and his privates are smashed on tree branches. He even has to avoid these monkeys trying to seduce him. Then towards the end, Beck picked up two shotguns and started blowing up the village! The genius director even put Rosario Dawson in the movie to make it that much better! This is one of the best action movies of 2003 and it even has Arnold Schwarzenegger in it! Yes! Passing the torch has never been so monumental! Excellent!
What Can I say. This is definately not Oscar Material but what it is, is a Damn Good Action/Popcorn Flick that has some Serious Eye Candy on HD DVD. If you want to see the Amazon Rainforest like it was on your bedroom window This movie will give you that thrill and entertain you in the process.
This is one that the whole family can have fun watching. The cast of this movie play off each other in a near flawless way that leads to believablity of their respective characters. The action is just enough to keep you interested without over doing it.
The story could use a little work, but hey they can't all have gems for scripts.
A fun little film for a couple hours away from reality.
Man...this film had it all...action, an actual storyline that you could follow and eve more action. This is the second film that I have watched that THE ROCK has headlined, and I just absolutely loved them both!! If you are looking for something that will keep you interested and wanting more of the same...this is the movie for you!! Glad that I chose THE RUNDOWN...you will too!! - Action Adventure - Seann William Scott - Christopher Walken - Action'
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