I was very much looking forward to receiving what I thought would be a comprehensive book of green smoothie recipes. Imagine my disappointment to find all of 30 pages of recipes in what amounts to a 226 page Blendtec blender informercial. Do I feel duped. There are two blenders on the market powerful enough to handle these types of smoothies on a regular basis. Both are described in the following Cooks Illustrated Review and are both up to the task of making these smoothies. I'm sure there are pros and cons to each. ([...]). This book, however, is little more than an informercial for one of the two blenders - the Blendtech Total Blender, while devoting a page to how terrible she considers the other blender (a Vita-Mix) to be. This author throws in the word Blendtech on page after page after page, sometimes throwing in Blendtech Total Blender just in case you forget the full name, singing its praises throughout, and even including a testimonial on the very last page that just happens to praise the Blendtech blender. I lost count of how many times she says Blendtech and stopped counting after a while. Oh, and she nonchalantly mentions that if you purchase the blender on the link through her website, you'll get a free gift. Does she get a commission from Blendtech if the blenders are purchased through her website, by any chance? I'd like to know. If you want to sell a book on green smoothies, fabulous, we can all use more greens in our diet. But if you're trying to hawk a product (in this case a blender) on the unwitting consumer, then have the decency to be upfront about it. I have never seen such egregious product placement ever, much less in a book. I just spent [...] on a 226 page commercial. Save your money. Green Smoothies Diet: The Natural Program for Extraordinary Health
I purchased three books as suggested by Amazon, the two books "Green Smoothie Revolution" and "Green For Life" by Victoria Boutenko and this book "The Green Smoothie Diet". While the author has a great understanding of the importance of green smoothies and a balanced raw diet, she lacks credibility as far as scientific research and knowledge goes. She seems to get most of her knowledge from personal experience and self-exploration as opposed to credible outside sources. Victoria Boutenko, on the other hand, backs up all of her claims and studies with valied evidence and research from many outside sources as well as her own studying and experimentation. For some reason, it really annoyed me that Robyn felt qualified enough to actually publish a book that was a failed attempt to compete with Victoria Boutenko. Her (Robyn) recipes actually have way too many ingredients and many of them contradict what the truly-qualified Victoria suggests (with valid evidence and research). After finishing the "Green Smoothie Diet" I felt overwhelmed with all of the ingredients that I would have to buy and how much my grocery bills would sky-rocket. Not only does she have you putting in tons of produce, but then you have your superfoods, seeds, coconut oil, etc. to include. Victoria is very clear that it is best to keep it very simple--no oils or seeds or any starchy vegetables; only water, fruit and greens with only 1-3 greens at a time. Victoria's recipes are far superiour to those of Robyn as far as taste goes, as well as convenience, cost and ease. I am much more motivated by Victoria's books than by Robyn's. Furthermore, I am much more prone to following Victoria's advice as I am to Robyn's simply due to the credibility factor. Robyn seems to have done her research on Victoria prior to writing this book and possibly even regurgitated Victoria's substantiated findings and claims. To me, "The Green Smoothie Diet" was a huge waste. I am so glad that I purchased the two Victoria Boutenko's books along with it so I was able to see for myself the superiority and quality of her books. In short, buy "Green for Life" and "The Green Smoothie Revolution" by Victoria Boutenko. I promise you will be ecstatic about green smoothies and the ingredients won't put a dent in your wallet. For those that love this book "The Green Smoothie Diet", I assume you have not read the other two books I have mentioned because if you have, you will change your mind regarding Robyn's "genius" book and recipes. I read Robyn's book first and thought it was alright but as soon as I read the other two books and tried Victoria's recipes after Robyn's, I was shocked that Robyn had any positive reviews. Also, I have a blendtec and love it. I had a vitamix before and the motor was smoking. I saw the blendtec at costco and purhcased it and I love it way more than I ever did the vitamix. One day when my husband is out of medical school, I plan on owning both the vitamix and the blendtec, but for now, I prefer the blendtec.
Although this book does contain some useful information, it has a constant underlying thread of salesmanship. It constantly hints that you should go to Robyn Openshaw's website and buy a Blendtec blender(after a lot of research I went with the VitaMix 5200 myself).
She also seems to have an almost catty dislike of Victoria Boutenko the author of Green For Life. After reading Ms Boutenko's book I have to say she has far more quoted and referenced scientific research, and has obviously spent a lot of time backing up her conclusions with fact.
Although both books say essentially the same things. I personally can do without the sales pitch, evangelical bylines, and resentful snipes that appear in Ms Openshaw's book.
I just read this book and highly recommend it, have lent my copy to a friend
already. You will finish it so pumped and empowered to start eating
healthier--Openshaw shows how it doesn't have to be expensive, or time
consuming, or hard.
I was engrossed from the first page of the introduction, which is funny
because you wouldn't think a nutrition book would be so interesting. The
author has a nurturing voice and helps you feel YOU CAN DO THIS.
She covers everything, right as I had the question, like 10 tips to get my
kids to buy into the ideas, what's good about all the different greens
available, how to buy and store them, 10 reasons to start doing green
smoothies, what exactly to eat to detox or to lose weight. I've always
wanted to try the superfoods you read about, and now I know how to use them
all. I love Openshaw's review of her research on what happens to people who
drink green smoothies regularly--no one could read that and not want to
start taking her suggestions TODAY. The book is very well written, too.
Love the frequently asked questions and all the testimonials at the end.
Her website [...] is amazing.
Can't wait to try all the recipes. I have my blender cranked up! Usually I think of eating right as a drag, but today I'm feeling totally excited. - Health - Vegan - Healthy Eating - Raw Food'
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