I bought the "Dog grooming for Dummies"because it received a lot of good reviews. However one of the reviewer commented that the book didn't provide specific "how to" but only "what" information. Also it doesn't have photos for most of the sections. I should have trusted his words. I was very disappointed with the book. The reviewer recommended this book. I bought it and was very pleased. It has a lot of "how to" information with photos. It also provides a trick that I was looking-- how to groom dog's facial hair if the dog doesn't cooperate (which is the way my dog did) -- Grab the dog's hair under its chin. There was a shih-tzu in the photo. This is exactly what I was looking for and I have a shih-tzu! Now grooming my Lilly's facial hair is no longer a problem to me. This is a small book but with a lot of helpful information! I highly recommend it! The Everything Dog Grooming Book: All you need to help your pet look and feel great! (Everything Series)
All right, to be fair, I just now started reading this book which was delivered today. I am so excited about it that I wanted to write a review before I tried some of the techniques. I'll have to update after I've applied some of the info.
This book has it all! It gives information on grooming tables, arms, restraints (loops or nooses), how to groom a nervous and/or snippy dog, how to express the anal sacs (if necessary, & you must be careful), how to groom hairy paws, all about shampooing, clippers and blade sizes & how to maintain them, tells why not to use scissor on dirty dogs(bathe them first), how to take care of the dog's teeth, even talks about food and food allergies....oh, my goodness, this book is chock full of helpful information.
I had to resort to grooming our shih-tzu because his experience with groomers was not a good one. He was cut most of the time by a groomer, not always, but enough times to make him throw up in the car the last time we took him to a groomer. I've been struggling with grooming this nervous shih-tzu for over 5 years & decided I need some equipment and a book of instructions. We keep his hair long. The equipment is on the way, & I think this book fits the bill for me. I'm anxious to read through it more thoroughly and then give it a try.
*update: I'm still lovin' this book! But you won't learn how to do a specific breed cut. You will find great basic ideas that you can apply. If you keep your shih-tzu's hair on the short side, this book explains how to trim the hair to make the dog's front legs appear to be straight. There is a deskunking recipe, how to kill fleas with dish soap; vinegar is great for yeasty skin; the correct mixture of Listerene and water in a spray bottle will make a dog's hair shine. There's lots more useful info in this well-written, informative book.
**Update: My friend just used the de-skunking recipe and said it worked!!!
I highly recommend this book for first time grooming. There are many tips to help make the experience more workable. I also recommend buying "All 87 Breed Dog Grooming"
Both books have a list of must have tools to purchase before trying to groom your dog at home. In addition, pet care, health and ear care is discussed.
I found the pictures most helpful.
I borrowed this book from the public Library. Great information, well written, a fun and enjoyable read. Great for bouncing around to look up various and useful tidbits. Am ordering one for me as soon as I am through with this review. This is my first review, but I want all to know how good it is. I like the tip about using corn starch to get mats out. Really works on my Shih-Tzu.
This book is loaded with good information on bathing, cutting toenails, the general stuff we all need to know if we are attempting to groom our own dogs. It also covers some specific problems with skin, hair, ears, and there is a whole section on dogs who are nervous when being groomed, and how to deal with different types of behaviors while grooming.
She talks about what kind of shampoo to use, however no specific (brand) recommendations for shampoos. It says to use a gentle shampoo---what exactly does that mean?? I have bought all kinds of shampoos with oatmeal or aloe, and they all claim to be helpful if your dog has sensitive or itchy skin, but until you use it on your dog, you really have no idea what you are getting.
She has some interesting information on the different types of hair - curly, wiry and how to deal with them. Also there is a very helpful section on what to do if you accidentally nick your pet while trimming.
The book has quite a bit of information about equipment and different ways to deal with badly matted coats. There are even some cute tips about using ordinary household items for grooming.
There is some information with pictures on clipping a few specific breeds that does help you understand something about clipping/cutting techniques for different hair types and to get a certain look.
All in all, the book has a great deal of good information, but I guess I'm going to have to bite the bullet and buy what I really need, which is a cd that shows me very specifically how to clip my dog.
I recently adopted a rescue dog that had been abused. He was badly in need of clipping so I took him in to a professional groomer. It was very traumatizing. I ordered this book to see whether I could groom him at home at his own pace. He won't need it until spring but I feel like with the help of this book I can do a reasonably good job.
I reviewed the written reviews on this book before I purchased it but what they did not tell me is that this book contained so many things that I needed to know in order to actually groom my dog. The little things that are really important. For the novice it gives you details and tricks of the trade that certainly make the process easier and I would highly recommend this book. - Dog Grooming Book - Dog Care - Dogs - Pet Care'
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