I've been reading this magazine for years and used to really love it. However, in recent months the editor-in-chief was replaced and I do not like the changes that have come about since then. The month of menus feature no longer features "Sunday Dinner" style recipes and in general fewer of the menus seem appetizing. The magazine used to include a few articles about parenting and children, which doesn't apply to me but before I definitely understood the need for them. Since the new editor there seem to be even more which means less content for those of us who have not had children or who have older children or empty nests. There seem to be more pages about clothes and makeup and shopping than before, and less content about living well from a non-materialistic viewpoint. Also, my favorite feature used to be their inspirational quotes on the last page which has now been replaced with "everyday things you should know how to do," which for me has not been a useful or enjoyable feature whatsoever, and I really miss being able to flip to that last page for a quick lift when I couldn't devour the entire magazine immediately. All in all I have been disappointed in every single issue I have received since the change in editors and will not be renewing my subscription. Woman's Day (1-year auto-renewal)
I received a subscription to Woman's Day at a very discounted price. The paper is cheap but the content of the magazine is good. Recipes are easy, tasty and made from ingredients found at a regular supermarket. Parenting articles are targeted towards parents of grade schoolers and teenagers. Makeup and product suggestions are reasonable and you won't find a recommendation for a $500 purse or pair of shoes. Overall I'm a satisfied reader but may alternate yearly subscriptions between this and Family Circle.
I always saw this magazine in the newsstands and never paid it much mind and sometimes gor it confused with other magazines for some reason. Amazon was offering a special on a subscription for it and I decided to take the chance because I love to read magazines as a way to decompress after a long day. Womans day offers informative articles that educate without the preachiness and verboseness of other magazines. Sometimes other magazines try to be so intellectual that they just manage to aggravate the reader. It' straight to the point and entertaining as well. It had real world articles about real world people. The recipes were excellent and the ads and inserts were not to distracting and annoying like other magazines. The only thing I am upset about is the fact that I missed out on years of enjoyment because I passed it up. Highly recommend it!!!
I ordered this magazine early this past spring. I received three issues on the same day--June, July, and August. It was well past June, into the end of July by the time I received the three issues. Yesterday, August 22, I received yet ANOTHER July issue. I realize for the low subscription price, I shouldn't expect too much, or should I? I won't be ordering again. I just don't like reading the same magazine twice, and receiving magazines that are two months old, and have expired coupons in them!
I have received Woman's Day for many years. It is a great quality magazine for the price. It always has lots of wonderful recipes, useful tips, and interesting articles about everyday women. I especially enjoy the holiday issues...the colorful covers look festive on the coffee table. I would highly recommend Woman's Day to women everywhere.
I love this magazine! Im 28 yr old and im so sick of magazines that focus all their attention on "How to please a man/how to get a man." Woman's Day is such a well rounded magazine, it has everything! Articles range from topics about health, recipes, inspiring stories, work out plans, beauty tips etc....seriously everything. I would definitely recommend woman's day to everyone, if you're thinking about subscribing do it, you won't regret it, it is money well spent!
I ordered my subscription to Woman's Day on July 27, 2010 and received the August and September issues on August 17, 2010. A new magazine subscription started in 3 weeks is amazing!
I have read Woman's Day for years and really enjoy it.
I have read this magazine for many years, on & off. I have always found the articles to be very insightful and informative. They are chock-full of useful information that I can apply to my everyday life. I also love the fact that I don't ever have to worry about a half naked woman on the cover, or embarrasing articles about hot sex, etc. I also love that there is a BIBLE VERSE at the front of each issue! This is a great magazine for women! I also wanted to note how quickly I received my first issue-within 4 weeks, I believe!'
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