If you don't know how to start a chainsaw than you should not be using one! Once the saw fires you turn the choke off and pull the start cord. If you keep trying to start it with the choke on it will flood the engine. Read the user's manual, it talks about it in the manual. I just purchased the 450 and it cuts like a dream and has the power to really do the trick. I like the fact that I can put a 20" bar on this saw and have the power to get the job done. I'm not having any issues getting the saw to run even in below freezing temps. Make sure you use winter grade bar oil if you cut in the winter. It's only been two days of solid cutting but this machine has out preformed my last saw. Hopefully with good maintenance habits I can keep this thing around for a long time. Oh yea...wear chaps and a helmet. I love that macho attitude with no protective gear. You'd be amazed at how fast you can bleed out when you hit an artery!
Be Safe... Husqvarna 450 18-Inch 50.2cc X-Torq 2-Cycle Gas Powered Chain Saw With Smart Start (CARB Compliant)
Bought this at my local dealer last year and have used it quite a lot. Have had no trouble at all starting it, almost always on first pull after priming, not sure why the other reviewer had trouble. I put a 20 inch bar on it, and it goes through whatever I want. Much less vibration than other saws I've used. Easy to clean and maintain. Would buy it again.
Be sure to shop around town for the best price.
I have had this saw since Dec 24, 2010. I have cut 5 trailer loads of firewood so far. I did have the chain jump off the bar the last time I used it but it was because I had not yet adjusted the chain. I have not had a minutes trouble with this saw. The very first time I tried to start it, I pulled on the rope 6 times. Since then, it starts on the first or second pull everytime. I would definately buy again.
Had need of a new saw to replace an older one that was starting to give me trouble. besides that I have been wanting a second saw and this gave me a good excuse to get one. I typically cut 8 to 10 cord per year for the past 30 years and have had experience with several types and sizes. My favorite was the Husky 55 which I still have but needs some work. I checked out the reviews on the Husky 50 with the most being very good with a few bad reviews but then I saw the same with Stihl reviews so I came to the conclusion some people don't really know much about starting or using a chain saw. Anyhow Amazon had this one for a price that couldn't be beat so I thought I would take a chance on buying it online as opposed to a dealer. I wasn't disappointed. No problem with start-up. The first job I had was to clean up some storm damage. Had a large red oak uproot. At the stump it was about 29" diameter. This saw cut through that like a knife through butter. I cut up that tree in no time. The main reason I went with the smaller saw was lower weight. As one gets older that extra pound or so hanging out there can make a difference on the the back feels afterwards. I just like the way this saw feels in my hand and am impressed with its performance. This model isn't a professional model but for the work as a homeowner on over 5 acres of woodland this saw is perfect.
This is my first chainsaw. I only wanted to buy a chainsaw once, so I did some research online and in the ACE store. I have a healthy fear of chainsaws and read the manual completely through as well as watched several safety videos on YouTube (I highly recommend that). This saw starts super easy if you READ the manual. This saw runs great, cuts like a knife through butter (70' trees) and is easy to acclimate to. I got lucky with an in-store grand opening sale and got the saw, case and extra chain for the price of just the saw. I would recommend this saw to my friends. In fact one of my friends has a Homelite chainsaw and Raved at how fast my saw rips through wood and works much better than his. I also recommend the Husqvarna 2 cycle mixing oil with Sta-bil. Stored my saw since the Fall and it started right away in the Spring. I did have a problem with the chain that came with it, but the store just gave me a new one and I was on my way.
Very happy with the saw.
Fires first pull or three every time. Cuts great, not too heavy/ bulky. Leaks a lot of bar oil in storage, but supposedly they all do. Holds chain tension well, easy to adjust. Air filter easy to access (clean). Would buy again and recommend to others. Did a lot of research. Decided Stihl has a little premium built into price/ mainly for serious cutters. I just cut a few trees a year and just wanted something reliable, not to large, and easy to maintain. So far, so good. I expect many years out of this saw. If I didn't go with this, I probably would've gone one step down with an Echo.
In my humble homeowner opinion, there are two good chain saws on the market today. Stihl and Husqvarna. The Husky 450 is an excellent medium size saw for the homeowner like me. I like the saw because it is easy to start, quiet and powerful. I would recommend it to anyone. The 18 inch bar works for the size tree I typically cut. I keep the chains sharp and have several on hand to change in the field. The bar tool comes with the saw for easy chain changeout. My two sons also use the saw and rate it as highly as I do!
I have lived on 12 acres of woodland for 39 years and have owned other saws...Stihl, McCulloch, Homelite, Poulan, to name a few, and while they were all good saws, nothing compares to the Husky 450. In the past 4 weeks I have been doing some lot clearing, mostly oaks, pine and hickorys in the 8 to 16 inch diameter range and this saw has worked flawlessly. Easy to start (2 or 3 pulls at most)and tons of power. In fact it cuts so easily I look forward to working with it.
By purchasing this from Amazon, I saved over $60 not even including the free shipping. Saw arrived 5 days from the time I ordered it to the time it arrived at my door. Very happy with the purchase. - Husqvarna Chain Saw'
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