As a lover of popcorn, over the course of my half century on this planet, I've pretty much run the gamut on the variety of ways to eat this delight -- over the stove, the air popper and then by nuking it. All were fads that faded over time. Then, through the greatness of Amazon, I found the Whirley popper, and ordered their popcorn to go along with it. It was great, albeit a bit expensive. Then I discovered Great Northern's Great American popcorn.
Not only was the Great American popcorn cheaper in price, but by comparison, the six-ounce package I ordered was larger than the similarly-packaged Whirley Pop at 5.5 ounces. The taste was probably about the same, although psychologically it tasted better to me because of the better value.
I probably went a little overboard, but thanks to the special 99-cent shipping at the time, I purchased three 24-count cases.
Each of these packages produces a whole lotta popcorn, which if not eaten right away, is still really good a week to 10 days later.
Just a great value for middle aged people who could use a little great-tasting ruffage in their systems!
Gotta go; feel another batch coming on!!! Great Northern Popcorn, 6-Ounce Portion Packs (Pack of 24)
I purchased this for my paramount 6 oz popcorn maker figuring it would be easy and quick and no mess, which it was. However, only about half of the kernals popped so thats why I gave it a lower review. The flavor was on the mark for movie theater taste. Perfect salt and butter flavor in my opinion! I just wish more kernals popped!
We have a floor standing popcorn machine and tried a few different products before getting this one. We stopped looking when we got this! It's the bomb! We love it and buy it by the case. It's the real deal, and I highly recommend it. We top it with 'popping and topping' for more butter flavor, but many of our guests like it just as is. Just a heads up, the 'oil' portion is somewhat solid when it comes, not watery.
I received a popcorn machine for my birthday and I have not been able to find the right combination to make popcorn that tastes like you get at the movies. The local convienence store always has great popcorn and I happened to notice they use this. I just went through a case in less than a month! It is good stuff! The 8 oz size is a bit much for my family of four, so I will go with the 6 oz this time. I ordered two cases this time!
I ordered this to use with my Whirley Pop and I absolutely love it.
This pouch has a bit more stuff in it than the standard single serve pouch from Wabash Farms (8oz vs 5.5oz) so I expected some unpopped kernels and indeed ended up with a few dozen.
I have only popped one pouch so far so I plan to leave it on a few more seconds next time around, but even with the remaining kernels, the Whirley Pop was totally stuffed with popcorn.
The popcorn is delicious and tastes exactly like super fresh movie theater popcorn. The salt in the pouch gave the popcorn the perfect amount of saltiness for my tastes, but it may be a bit salty for some.
I'll probably stick with the 6oz version even when I reorder, as it's only a $2 difference (as of 08/13/09).
I purchased a case of this popcorn for two reasons: the rave reviews of others on Amazon and it was a lower-priced alternative to Wabash Valley Farms Real Theater Popcorn.
This is what I found:
- In my opinion, Great Northern Popcorn is not as tasty as Real Theater Popcorn.
- While Great Northern has a 6-ounce portion compared to Wabash Valley Farms 5.5 ounce portion it exceeded the capacity on both my Whirley Pop and Stir Crazy poppers. (Literally lifted the top off of my Stir Crazy.) So more is not necessarily better especially when you have to clean up a mess after every popping.
- Quite bit more of the Great Northern Popcorn remained unpopped.
- Great Northern Popcorn had a "chewy" texture to it. - Great American Popcorn - Nom - Popcorn Maker - Popcorn Machine'
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