I got Microsoft Streets and Trips 2005 w/GPS early in 2005 and there were quite a few usability issues with the program. The biggest gap was no voice commands. This new version includes new voice command prompts, which are pretty good and on the screen in VERY large size font it shows you what you will do next along with how much of a percentage you've traveled on the road at that moment. For example, if I am on Smith Rd. and will travel on that road for 5 miles before I turn left onto Jones St., on the screen it shows "Turn left in 5 miles onto Jones St.," plus it has a progress bar showing how many of the 5 miles you've traveled.
I was a simple upgrade (have your CD ready when you plug in the GPS device for the first time), and upon my first use it appears that they haven't fixed some of the bugs and annoyances in trying to find a restaurant or gas station. To illustrate this, if I wanted to find a gas station on my way home from work (15 mile ride), I could choose within so many miles of my current point or so many miles from the entire route. Let's say I'm half way home and decide to look for a gas station, I put 1 mile from my current point, and it looks at a one-mile radius of 5 miles ago?? (Bug, I suppose.) So instead, I put within 1/2 mile of my entire route. Then it lists all gas stations within 1/2 mile of my route (from beginning to end regardless of how far I am from the beginning) and organizes them by distance from my route (instead of how far I am from the station at the moment).
These observations are subject to change as I use the program some more and if I find that I'm doing something wrong. I will post more comments if I can in the future.
[UPDATE - 3/1/06] I continue to have usability problems trying to find places, such as restaurants. I got so frustrated trying to find an Applebee's on a trip lately that I used by cell phone as a modem for my laptop to use their website's locator. Microsoft, I hope you read this!
Overall, it is a big improvement if you want to keep using your Microsoft GPS module from 2005. Microsoft Streets and Trips 2006 [OLD VERSION]
Last year I bought Street & Trips 2005 with the GPS package, and I wrote a review on that. If you refer to that review, there are some things that I am somewhat dissatisfied with the 2005 version. After spending many hours searching online and reading review and forum posts, it appears that the only software for laptop GPS navigation that provides all the function and capabilities that one would want or need at a reasonable price would be iGuidance 2.1.1, the one downside to it was that the software costs more than 4X the price of Microsoft's Streets & Trips, this prevented me from purchasing it. After a long wait, Microsoft (as expected) released the 2006 version of Streets & Trips, I read up on the new features and decided that combined with the price (after rebates), it would be a great deal.
On my previous review of the 2005 version, the one thing that I (and a lot of other people) felt that was missing was the voice navigation. It was extremely difficult to follow the small prints for the directions, combined with no voice guidance; it was dangerous to use it unless you have a passenger to help with the directions (which is kind of pointless).This new version solved that problem, combined with a modified interface; the voice guidance is finally on. It is so much easier to drive solo and use this software because combined with a large text field displaying the next action; the voice guidance is clear and easily repeated by pressing the spacebar. There is also a progress meter to show you how close you are to that next action (turn, exit, ect).
The first BIG gripe that I have with the voice nav is that it only says the action and not pronounce the road or exit you are turning into, thus for conformation, one would have to look at the large text plane to see the name of the road or exit number. This is what I don't get, the software uses Microsoft's own voice synthesizer to "speak", then why is it that it cannot at least try to pronounce the name of the road?
The second gripe that I have is that if you go off route, the software doesn't automatically reroute you, and there is no option to turn it on, so you would have to hit F3 for it to reroute.
Another gripe, not a major one, but still annoying is that fact that every single time you start the GPS tracking, the software pops up with a disclaimer about how unsafe it is to drive and operate the software at the same time. I guess this is necessary since software is still not very driver friendly.
All in all, Microsoft did try to alleviate a major problem of its previous version; however, I didn't feel that MS spent much time improving the software. I undoubtedly admit that the 2006 version is much improved, but I would have expected a greater improvement given that Microsoft has been producing Streets & Trips for numerous of years now.
For the price, I am glad with the improvements, however, if I could return it, I would spend the extra money for the iGuidance instead.
The bad news first: The map details are still not as good as were found in the 2004 version of this program. I can't understand why MS would dumb down their product. Also, the street names seem to have been dumbed down as well. For example, Golden Eagle Ferry Road has been reduced to Ferry Road. There are innumerable examples of this dumbing down and simpifying which only serves to confuse.
The good news: The GPS functionality has been vastly improved with voice and large visual prompts which make using the program in an automobile MUCH MUCH easier. The little car cursor in the 2005 version has been replaced by a much more visible circle with a large arrow in it indicating direction.
Despite the dumbing down of the actual map data the program remains a superb mapping program with many updates since the 2004 and 2005 versions. New streets, restaurants and other points of interest are now incorporated. This program offers a truly affordable GPS guidance system for nearly all consumers without having to go to the expensive Garmin or Magellan systems. If you find yourself traveling to points unknown I cannot imagine a better solution for getting around than this product in conjunction with your notebook.
A few comments about the Streets and Trips mapping software. I am familiar with the Delorme product and the Garmin product and Streets and Trips blows them both away - no contest. Instantaneous panning, zooming in and zooming out, outstanding routing software, and a plethora of other features makes Streets and Trips, by far, my favorite mapping software.
One problem I had, and hopefully this will help others who might encounter the same problem: Downloading the software into your computer does NOT automatically load the drivers for the GPS locator device! This must be done separately with the Setup disk when you first attach the locator device. Should you fail to put the Setup disk in and let your computer find the driver automatically ON THAT DISK, then your program will not recognize the locator! I wasted quite a bit of time trying to figure out what was wrong. If you don't add the drivers manually your device manager will automatically load drivers that will not be recognized by the program! I had to go into my Device Manager and uninstall the drivers that were added and then manually install the MS drivers for the GPS locator. Not an insurmountable problem, but it does require a bit of experience with computers.
The included driver software turns your USB port into a pseudo-serial communication port enabling the software to recognize the locator (only serial ports are recognized by the software). The software will not recognize the locator UNLESS it is attached to a serial (or in this case pseudo-serial) communications port. So be careful and follow the installation instructions closely. The locator is made by Pharos GPS and if you have any installation problems go to their web site for further instructions.
I heartily recommend this product however be aware of the minor software and driver glitches I've described above. All in all, I think you will be VERY pleased. - Cartography - Maps - Streets And Trips - Driving'
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