Please note in my update below that I have raise my rating to 3 stars.
This isn't so much a tool as it is a way to spend an afternoon getting frustrated. I really wanted it to work out as it's the perfect size for my tiny shop, alas it was not to be.
On the plus side, it seems to have plenty of power for a small unit. It also seems to face-joint okay, which is nice.
And then there is the vertical fence, what a piece of junk! Between having a rather high coefficient of friction, even when waxed, being slightly warped from one end to the other and its greatest downfall, the pathetic mounting system, I have yet to get one square edge.
The plastic-headed bolt that attempts to tighten the fence stripped out within a few days. Even when I actually got it tight, I could still alter the angle of the fence slightly without too much pressure pushing against the base of it.
The results I've had are not worth $200. Maybe $100 as a face jointer. I can still combine this with my router table to get the job done, but I'll be in the market for a real jointer as soon as I can make the space!
Save your money and get a better unit. Delta has a full sized one for $300 and it has to be better than this!
UPDATE to my review:
I have fixed this unit's two major shortcomings. First I replaced the useless swiveling fence mount with a solid and supportive piece of MDF. Now it holds 90 degrees. I don't miss the ability to bevel the fence, but if I had to, I could stick the factory mount back on.
Second, I covered the face of the fence with low friction tape. Now wood can smoothly slide through without binding.
In it's current state, I'd probably give it 4 stars as it works as it should, but because I had to do those things myself, I'll go with 3. DELTA JT160 Shopmaster 10 Amp 6-Inch Benchtop Jointer
Okay, I purchased this tool from somewhere else and was looking for the DC connector when I read the reviews here. My feeling after reading the ones on the main page of the tool is that this must be a different jointer, so I checked, nope same one. Which leaves one other conclusion, the people who have reviewed it so poorly must not be using correct technique when they use the machine.
I have had this tool for about 3 years and have had no problems. I regularly edge joint boards up to 6 foot in length with no problem. It has plenty of power to joint 4 inch thick padauk, and the fence while alittle quirksome, holds true to whatever angle I set it.
Like I said, the only thing I can come up with is that the reviewers either don't actually own the machine, are applying too much preasure at the top of the fence (pressure should be applied at the middle to bottom of any fence)and must be allowing the board to tip as they joint (once you have about a foot of board on the outfeed side, all downward pressure should be on that table).
Again, not the best tool. Not expected to be. Will I eventually upgrade? yeah, but not a priority in my shop. It works for me.
Spend the extra money and by a good (free-standing) Jointer (You're going to eventually, once you realize how useless this product is on anything but the smallest scale project). I built a couple of small end tables with this jointer, but when I went to put a straight edge on some longer lumber I am using for a desktop, I was not able to effectively do it (I eventually rigged-up my router table to do it). It is mainly 'cause the outfeed table is so short.Also, there is no way to effectively hook up a dust collection device to this. I ended up using a magnetic dust chute, but it's still not very effective.
I'm on my second Delta jointer planer. The first planer was delivered with a bent in-feed table. The table was bent one half an inch down at the end of the table and had a large chip in the table top. It looked so bad I just look at it and shook my head in disbelief. I sent it back, then I re-ordered. The second jointer came with two cracked tables plus a dent in the edge of the out-feed table. Both tables had a dip in the center of over 24000 of an inch plus some nicks in the top's. It was useless to me. If you pay your hard earned money for a tool and that tool does not do the job it was intended to do then it's junk and not worth the money you paid. I was really wanting this to be a good jointer because it was just the right size for my shop and was not that heavy. I guess you just can't beat Cast Iron.
Don't waste you time on this Cheap Delta unit. Everyone that gave this unit a bad report was right. I should of listened.
I researched this purchase for a long time and finally decided that I would get this machine, even though there were so many negative reviews. Well, I am not a negative reviewer, but I returned the machine and got a Ridgid JP0610 from HD. The Delta machine I received was just as described in the reviews on this page, so before purchasing this jointer determine what are your needs. Small projects (boards <24") or small shop then you may need to get this machine, but be forwarned because the distance apart b/t the Ridgid machine I just bought and this Delta machine is measured in light years. Now I'm not selling the Ridgid machine, but for $150 more you will get a tool that is worth 10x that compared to this little machine. The Delta fence is pathetic, and the table to is very small, but I got it setup in 30minutes and had it finishing boards right away. Good finish, but when I tried a few longer boards it was much more difficult to manuver. Just not a good long term purchase for what I need it to do. So, figure out what type of work you will be doing and then make your decision, but if you have the room spend the $150 more!!! It is a no brainer!!!
Let me say up front I also own a 8" Craftsman Professional joiner, have had it for a couple years now. I bought this little delta to joint and flatten small pieces (under 16"). My large joiner is on wheels and stored in the back of the shop. Kind of a pain to wheel it out, hook up dust collection, etc for just a couple of passes on small pieces I am using for jewelry box's. This one sits on the bench, against the wall, and takes a couple of seconds to have up and running. This is a cheap machine, not meant for any kind of production work. I bought this joiner in a pawn shop for a lot less than advertised here. Didn't appear to have ever been used. It took a little work to get it set up square, but I don't change the settings so it has stayed where I originally set it. It does a good job of removing cup and putting a finished edge on small boards. Since that is all I bought it for, I am fairly satisfied. I don't think I would buy one if I had to pay full retail for it - Jointer - Benchtop Jointers - Planer - Jointers'
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