I had one. It worked well on downwind, not so good at any other angle. Be careful in folding it. It is easy to fold to 2 circles and hard to make three. You will need the instructions near by in case you forget. And if you break the fiberglas rod on the perimeter like I did, don't go any farther, just throw it away because it will never work well again.
Nice idea and fun for the money but why make it impossible to replace the fiberglas rod? Advanced Elements Rapidup Kayak Sail
I've used this sail on three separate occasions now. As advertised, it is a downwind only sail (i.e. can't be used to tack into the wind). It really does need a pretty solid breeze from behind to create a noticeable pull. That being said, it is very easy to install and deploy while afloat. The only other issue I have with it is the limited visibility you have when its deployed. Otherwise, its fun to use, particularly on a day with lots of breeze.
Same issue here. This is really hard to fold into 3 circles. It needs a lot of wind to make a noticeable difference. When it does work on a windy day its amazing.
I think i should have spent a few bucks extra on a Windpaddle
If you notice the demo video is on a lake in a really strong wind. This is because it only has a few square feet of sail area. I have tried to use it several times on rivers, and even on some open water in a moderate breeze. It is basically useless 95% of the time. Unfortunately my 30 day return window expired before I tried it. Don't make the same mistake.
I improvised a sail using the two paddles of my tandem kayak and a poncho, and it worked much better. More sail area and higher up into the wind. You just jam each paddle blade on each side of your seat and hold them in a Y configuration with the other blade of each paddle in a sleeve of the poncho. Works great and more steerable too.'
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