After reading the reviews here I decided to purchase the digital download and give the program a try; why not since it offered a 100% money back guarantee.
I'm telling you, there is NO point to this program-none! Unless you don't have access to your bank's online checking & savings account, then you might find Quicken Deluxe useful, but otherwise this software is joke.
The way Quicken is advertised they make it sound like you can view all of your debts and accounts in one place. Kind of true but only if you spend hours manually typing it into Quicken yourself. Unlike Mint, you can't just enter your account information and then your data is automatically imported, updated and presented in a coherent, useful display.
So why not just use Mint? Because it doesn't support all accounts and institutions.
The customer service between Amazon and Quicken is a joke. If you download the software through Amazon you get it cheaper but you have to chase Quicken for the refund. I've emailed then but I haven't even gotten a courtesy reply from them. Amazon is difficult to get in touch with and they are not helpful anyway.
I feel like I have been flat out robbed of my money and I'm doubtful I'll ever get it back!
Do not buy this useless product, and if you do buy it here, make sure you get an actual disc; DO NOT BUY THE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD--you will get abandoned by Amazon and Quicken!!!! Quicken Deluxe 2011 [Download] - [Old Version]
All software has bugs in it, and so it is sometimes necessary to release software before one has all defects fixed 100%. And all companies deserve to sometimes override customer comfort in favor of the bottom line. But Quicken does both in such a ham-handed and amateur way that they have become the poster child for mediocrity, bloatware, and authoritarian mandatory upgrades.
Even if one looks beyond the dozens of little nuisances in the Quicken 2011 UI, the quirky inability to customize data entry, and the bloatware aspects of the software, there are so many issues that continue to plague this product line year after year that it is a wonder they even remain in business. I have been a Quicken user since 1989/1990 because, honestly, it does most of what I need to do, and after 3 or 4 months of banging around inside a new version or release, I can eventually get it centered enough to not drive me crazy. I simply avoid using the areas of the product that are known to corrupt or lose financial data (and there are a bunch!).
But every three years, like some locust swarm, come the emails from Quicken with the news that they have given up trying to support whatever current release I use. I cannot get past the annual jaw-clenching animosity I feel towards the company when I get these so-called "sunset" discontinuance emails about how yet another very recent version of the program is being discontinued, and that one-thrid of current users will either now be forced to pay to upgrade to a new package which is guaranteed to be more bloated and more buggy than the one they have, or else be forced to finally say "No" to the sunsetter coercion and agree to stop getting on-line updates and what Quicken refers to (without any sense of apparent irony) as tech support.
Quicken claims that each new release is a major improvement in the update engine. Although this seems unlikely, given that the development team is arguably in over their heads in so many other aspects of the product, let's assume for a moment that it's true. WHY on EARTH would they spend their time making enhancements when there are so many year-after-year continuations of basic defects that get discussed all over the internet? How about taking one year and making it simply a "quality improvement" release and we'll skip the cool flashy features?
Quicken is really the only game in town , and they act like it. (yeah I know about MS Money and mint.com but they have their own issues)... There are a million of us out here who will bail the instant someone, ANYONE can come up with a reasonable alternative. A company like Intuit, whose customers stay in the fold only because they are shackled through necessity, is a company that will always operate at a suboptimal level, and one that will always be on the precipice to fail.
Quicken 2011 is one more in a long line of bloated, bug-filled offerings from Intuit, further saddled with a fascistic sunsetting policy that brings business thuggery to a new level. Avoid this product.
I can't believe that this terrible product gets great reviews! Yes, it downloads my financial information quickly and easily. That's about the only good thing that can be said for it. It's budget offerings are atrocious... if you can find where they are and know how to use them. The few good graphs that it did have were lost in the "upgrade" from 2010 to 2011. Money's analytical tools were so much more useful to the average consumer I would never have converted to this tool had I not been "forced." I'm going to be exploring my options with other software as my frustration levels with this product only increase the more I use it.
Update: Getting a refund on my Amazon downloaded software was very easy. I emailed Intuit's customer service my invoice from Amazon as directed on Intuit's site. Today I received a check for the full amount from Intuit. I am happy to say their product guarantee can be relied on.
I had been using MS Money for about 10 years and decided to convert to quicken a few months ago when sites I used sent me notifications that they would no longer be supporting Money. I was very hesitant at first and read as many reviews as I could get my hands on before purchasing Quicken.
My experience with it has been very good so far. I've been using it since about mid November (around 3 months) and I've been very happy with what it offers. There have been a few things that I have missed from Money, but overall this is great. I track spending from Checking, Savings contributions, Auto Loans, Credit Cards, Student Loans, Home Mortgage, and my 401k and it works seemelessly with all of them. Ofcourse there was a learning curve and just like anything that is new and different you may find yourself missing your old product that you were accustomed to during your learning process with the new product. Once I got familiar with all the ins and outs of Quicken I'm very happy with it and think it is a great substitute to MS Money and exceeds MS Money in quite a few areas. - Quicken - Financial Software - Personal Finance - Money Management'
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