This was really good to see. It highlighted some of the scenes from the first 5 Harry Potter films. It gave a little depth into Harry's plight and allowed us to see Hermoine, Ron and him as they grew over their years at Hogwarts. I think anybody who hasn't been a Harry Potter fan will see this and be intrigued to want to watch the movies. Great job on whoever put it together!!!!!! Harry Potter Years 1 - 5
Don't you think it's curious that Amazon Instant Video has loads of these non-movies (10 minute previews)? Isn't it curious that they are the first images you see when doing a quick check of what movies are available on Amazon Instant Video and these non-movies just happen to have the same picture (cover) as the full length movie? I think it's obvious they get folks to sign up for Amazon Instant Video thinking that there are some new releases (Harry Potter, Avatar, King's Speech, etc), only to find these are mere previews or advertisements or how they filmed some scene. Am I wrong?
I'm going to have one more look to see if there are any movie I've ever heard of on Amazon Instant Video.
I like to "relive the magic" before reading or watching the next in a series. I reread each previous Harry Potter before moving on to the newest, and watched each movie before heading to the theater. This series of previews is an advertisement telling you to do that. It is the theatrical trailers for each of the first 6 movies strung together, with a couple shots thrown in recommending you watch the first 5 movies on BluRay or DVD before watching the 6th movie. I suppose it accomplishes exactly what it set out to do, I just didn't realize that I was getting trailers. In short, it's not that there was anything wrong, per se, with this download, but there was also pretty much no point. Unless you really really like previews. Then, have at it! I was hoping for some commentary or something, but it really is just the trailers.
I used this as a test to see if the streaming abilities of Amazon are comparable to what I had before I fired Netflix. I've already started a Blockbuster account to cover the discs (blue ray and games were a great add from what Netflix offered) and now I need to find a streaming home. This worked fine, but I need to figure out the price of streaming here vs. other locations. Preview was a good show as to how the system works, but there doesn't appear to be anything really for free here without a prime membership.'
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