I have been using nail guns for 31 years, and purchased three Bostitch nailers this year alone. All have broken down. I was attracted to the F33 due to its ability to nail joist hangers (hate nailing them by hand). The gun worked reasonably well, except that the head kept falling off. Locktite didn't help, nor did my local dealer's repair person. I shipped it back for repair 6 weeks ago. The parts are backordered. I called Bostitch and was told repeatedly that they did not get involved with their own recommended service centers. If they don't, who does? I emailed customer service and got no response.
Their lack of reliability, lack of customer service and their notorious attempts to design unusual collating angles in order to force buyers to use only their nails produces a score of "1" from this reviewer ( "0" isn't an option). You can't use a gun that doesn't work. Bostitch F33PT 33-Degree Paper Tape Framing Nailer / Metal Connector Nailer
I already own a pneumatic framing nailer. I purchased this gun in the hopes that I would be able to use the metal-connector tip to shoot regular framing nails into the toenail holes on joist hangers. (We had one job that required almost 1000 metal connectors.) I already own the MCN150, which ROCKS, so I used that for all the smaller nails.
Not only did the positive-placement tip work better than I ever thought it would, but this gun also packs enough punch to bury framing nails into a double LVL. I have not seen another gun that operates on standard pressure that can do that.
This is a very versatile tool, and the rafter hook is always in use. You won't want to use a tool without one after this.
Bottom line - buy it with confidence as it works and works well. I have experienced none of the problems some of the other reviewers have had, so perhaps Bostich has worked some of the kinks out. This is a great tool!
I use Paslode nails without problems in this gun. They are available everywhere.
I purchased this new from Amazon about a year ago and have gone through about 8 or 9 boxes of the generic grip-rite fasteners ($30 to $50 depending on size and galv. and available at HD, Lowes, and my both my locally owned suppliers). The gun has performed extremely well in rugged roofing conditions. I am starting a 125 sq. steel roof next week and am going for the reconditioned version this time. We'll see how it holds up. The coil roofers have been without any issues. The locater works great for hangers, by the way, the only downside is the unavailability of generic 1.5 inchers. But the ease and speed more than make up for it.
I noticed right away when I took it out of the box, no more spring on the front of the nailer to fly off and get lost. I quess they have re-designed this flaw in the design. I will comment more later after I have used it.
This thing is great. Used alot, took alot of abuse, and best part is, got it on sale here at amazon for $113. Works well with grip-rite 33 paper collated nails. Good enough to finish a basement with ease ! For the price, it cannot be beat. This thing is $300 at acme tool crib.
Amazon rules ! - Bostich - Cpo Bostitch - Framing Nailer - Framing Nailers'
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