This book is not only an excellent source for good movies, but also well-composed contents with numerous comments from movie directors/ actors/ actress.
You can also find the movies in 10 categories: Joy, Anger, Food for thought, Desire, Fear, Sadness, Exhilaration, Regret, Contempt and Wonder.
I thought TIMEOUT was a sort of "fashion" paper but I was wrong on this one.
It deserves to buy it, own it and keep it....to me. Time Out 1000 Films to Change Your Life (Time Out Guides)
Hate the way this book is laid out. It's not user friendly at all. It suggests it's going to be a very accessible list form of "1000 films to change your life" but it's really hard to read, there's no cohesion. The layout and the way it's broken us is really offputting. Bummed - bought it as a gift :( - Reviews - Time Out - Movie Reviews - Film Guides'
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