I like the door attachment but the bands are too light. I am a unfit woman who started the P90X system so bought these bands. I ended up going to a sports store to buy thicker bands that I could actually try before purchasing. These bands are recommended for woman but I think that the average woman should buy the heavier bands. SPRI ES500R Xertube Resistance Band with Door Attachment and Exercise Charts (Green, Light)
My favorite form of exercise is walking. I can do it year-round, through summer heat and winter's sub-zero temperatures (though neither of these extremes makes me jump for joy). I consider it one of the best forms of exercise and I like the fact that I don't have to belong to a gym to do it, especially since I live some distance from town.
But, unless I'm using walking poles (which I sometimes do) walking doesn't do a lot for the arms. These resistance bands - I have them in green, red and blue - help me take care of that, rounding out my daily routines. They're affordable, easy to use and, IMHO, effective.
I particularly appreciate that they are small and packable, making them easy to take along while traveling. Thus they join walking in being (almost) always available.
All-in-all, a good product at a good price.
This band is excellent for lightweight stretching and tension. It's the first i've ever gotten and i love it. I hurt my shoulders and have been going to physical therapy and i ordered this product to help keep the tension relieved in my shoulders and it works wonders! I use it after applying a warm rice pack(sock filled with rice and heated 1.5 minutes in the microwave)to my shoulders, then stretch them using the band. The door attachment makes it VERY easy to achieve different stretches. Seems to be holding up very well also, there's now wear on it at all yet..completely worth the investment!
I have been using these (green and red) for over a week now. They're easy to use and store. I loved using the door attachment too. I did read some reviews about the dangers of the door attachment. But as long as you follow the directions well and make sure the door is CLOSED, and pull hard on the attachment to make sure it doesn't move - you should be absolutely fine.
The price too is perfect! I just hope the bands and the handle attachments last for a long time. - Resistance Band - Spri - Excercise Equipment - Resistance Bands'
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