Works Well. Easy to use. I think I would prefer that it had an additional ac outlet thats always on though. But I knew it didn't have one before I bought it. I use it all the time. Directions are a little fuzzy, you have to make sure you go from off setting to auto not on to auto etc. Digital 3-Amp AC Outlet All-Purpose U7 Timer
These are nice little timers. User interface is well done, although it does get tedious entering lots of start and stop times after a while. (But at least you CAN!) One surprise: the little brochure that comes with the timer only mentions the recessed RESET button by way of admonishing the owner "Do not use this function unless absolutely necessary", without telling you how to recognize when it's absolutely necessary. If the four timers I bought are representative, and they almost certainly are, then you HAVE to push that recessed button to get the timer to wake up out of the box. Here's the missing instructions: take your new timer out of the packaging, plug it in, push that reset button, and leave it that way for an hour. This charges up some internal battery or other rechargeable energy source, and the timer is then ready to be programmed. You might find it helpful to get several of those 1-foot-long extension cords so that the timer doesn't use up your whole wall outlet just be plugging in. This also makes it easier to program. - Digital Timer - Programmable Digital Timer - Lamp Timer - Timer'
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