Firstly I'd like to say I'm a 43 year old mom. I got into gaming several years ago and my kids and I have a lot of fun with the Nintendo DS. We have had the original DS, DS Lites, DSi's, and now the DSi XL. I got an XL for myself. My son has many GBA games so he doesn't want one (because the DSi XL cannot play any GBA - Gameboy Advance- games) and my daughter thought it was too big to be portable. She likes something that fits easily into a backpack or jacket pocket. Although I think the XL could I'd probably agree if you are going for portability then the regular DSi should do you just fine. The reason I chose the XL is because I play primarily at home and I play a lot of puzzle games. Someimes these types of games are hard to see, especially the seek and find. I'm hoping this larger sized one helps that.
Even though I knew it was larger it is LARGER than I thought. That's a good thing because it is almost more like a PDA or something as far as size. Nice and substantial. It is also heavier than I anticipated. This is the only thing I'm a little concerned with as I like to play laying in bed at night and sometimes I'll play for a couple of hours. I would not want my hand getting extra tired holding the unit up. Additionally it is not as easy to hold this one handed and put the stylus in the other. It might be a fine line but it doesn't quite feel as comfortable as the DSi in that regard. It feels similar to how the PSP would feel if you held it one handed. Slightly off balance. Edited to Add: Played for 2 hours last night. Although it took a while I did find a comfortable position to hold the XL. It is not as comfortable for extended periods as the regular DSi but it did not get too heavy and my arms did not get sore. I'm quite relieved!
The top part actually has an audible click when you open up the unit. The DSi did not have this click although one of our DS Lite units did. The regular DSi opened smoothly without any catches--this one does not. There is definitely a click. The hinge looks strong enough. We lost one DS Lite to the hinge crack issue so I'm glad to see these hinges look sturdy. The other thing regarding the hinges is that the top piece moves a little when you move the unit. It is not super floppy but it does move when the unit does. I tested it against the DSi and the DS Lite and it took more effort to make those cover or top pieces move. It may be the weight itself which causes this. I will be keeping an eye on my hinges though just to be sure.
It connected right up to my internet with no problems. I went into the DSi shop and I didn't notice any difference between the XL and my regular DSi. Flawless. I must say, though, that I HATE that I could not take my DSi games with me to this upgrade (Nintendo is so far behind the ball on this and it is one of few complaints I have of Nintendo). Lame Nintendo. Seriously lame!
I got the bronze. It has a nearly black top and the inside is black. The bronze is only on the bottom and sides and it is definitely bronze. From the pictures online it looks more chocolate brown but it is not. I wavered back and forth with this and burgundy. I have not seen the burgundy out of the box but suspect it looks gorgeous. The glossy top looks like an overcoat similar to what is put on cars and trucks. Not like how the DS Lite covers were (although in two tone color this one is nearly exactly the same as the DS Lite Crimson or Blue with the colors in the same places and black in the same places except for the top because this one has the bronze color around the edges and the DS Lite's had the crimson or blue).
It does not feel "matte" on the bottom.It has a slightly grainy feel--not sure how to describe it. Kind of like how the non shiny cover of my printer feels. I remember when I got the DSi it almost seemed grainy and powdery. Not so with the XL.
Overall I'm very happy with the color-its classy!
Screen: This was my big worry. So far those worries are fairly groundless. I've tested out several types of games and in most apsects it is absolutely as good as the regular DSi. For the most part I get no pixelation or stretching and I definitely haven't noticed any ghosting or lines. While I was playing Bejeweled Twist I did notice that the gems were not as crisp as they are on the regular DSi. For me it was noticable but not bothersome. They were not blurry just a little more fuzzy than normal.
Edited to Add: I've tried several additional games and haven't noticed any issues except on games like Lunar Knights which already had a more pixelated look even on my DS Lite and regular DSi. Just slightly more noticable here but again not enough to impact. If I wasn't such a video game addict I likely wouldn't notice but I play every day.
My original DSi had several problems (Nintendo sent me a replacement)-this one has none of them. The battery cover does not "cave" in like my DSi and the insert window around the touch screen is solid--no light shows through. This XL feels as if it is a much higher quality console.
I've played with the regular stylus and the bigger pen type stylus. Either is fine but I prefer the regular stylus. The pen stylus might be good for someone who likes to hold the stylus like a pen but it is not a make or break for me.
The other functions (camera and the settings) worked well. No problems encountered. The charger looks to be the same as the regular DSi and this unit fits fine in my G Pak organizer. Edited to Add: Sound--it is actually slightly better sounding than the regular DSi. It feels as if it almost has a deeper sound. More like surround type sound. Also if you have a regular DSi there is a point when you are adjusting sound where it goes from quieter to regular and almost seems like it skips a step. The XL does not do this -- the sound progression is very good. I put in my Dragon Quest V as the music is very majestic and it felt more like it was enveloping me in the sound than a regular DSi (tested it with my daughters).
Overall I'm very happy and will update with the weight issue if it becomes a problem. Other than that I'm excited to go play my games and see them on the big screen! Nintendo DSi XL Bronze - Portable Game System - Dsi - Handheld - Nintendo Dsi'
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