This is a decent expansion pack for The Sims 3. The town is great and reminds me of living in a 3D Sim City. The clubs are fun to go to but my only complaint is they are always empty! It is not very fun to go out as no one in the town is really ever at. Maybe 1 or 2 Sims will be in a HUGE club. Not like the commercials at all in this respect. I am happy you can now go inside the building facades, unlike the first Sims 3 game.
Being a celebrity has been fun as other Sims will come up to you and take pictures and ask for autographs. And the paparazzi follow you around.
I haven't started a band yet but that is what I want to do next.
I have noticed a few glitches as Sims will walk in slow motion while everyone else is normal or get stuck in the elevator for hours.
Overall a fun expansion pack for the Sims 3 game. The Sims 3 Late Night - Expansion Pack [Download]
I really like this expansion pack, it adds late night activities as well as "celebrity" status. I like the celebrity status more than the late night part, the late night doesn't last that late, and all they do is dance around. It is more fun doing things for celebrity points, as I like a few goals to drive my game. I like the addition of a more city like town, with condo's and apartments.
I think what late night has to offer is great if you want to play the celebrity life in the new town. If you don't think playing a celebrity is what you would enjoy, the extra household items and outfits alone are worth the money you would spend to purchase this expansion.
I was plesantly surprised once I started to really get into this. And since I've had the chance to play it for several days now, I can honestly say this has been the best EP EA has put out for the Sims 3. The fun factor is a win for me. I love the added objects, the super star aspects and above all else, vampires! And luckily they have a little bit more free roam to them than the vampires did in The Sims 2. Instead of one type of bite, you have two. They also have two different forms of getting blood other than biting a Sim. Don't wanna give away a whole lot but trust me when I say, if you enjoyed The Sims 2 Night Life, you'll love Late Night for the Sims 3
Well I love the Sims games, and I hate waiting. I figured I would just download the Amazon product, knowing that Amazon is fairly loyal. Although this time it just aggravated me. I would download the product, and then it would deny me because I had to update the base game. So I did, and then I had to download the product all over again because apparantly the geniuses at Amazon didn't feel the need to save the freaking file to your computer until after it all ends smoothly... If Amazon had a way to access the program after a download rather then redownloading it this would be fine. Yeah im done with Amazon for a little while... This was enough to make me stop.
The gameplay however is fun and solid. I love the furniture, the unique apartments and the city.
Amazon Experience: *
Gameplay: *****
Value for Price: ****
My son had no trouble downloading this, and he says this is the, "Best expansion pack there could possibly be for SIMS. AWESOME." He says it includes loads of features that the original game should have had. He bought it with his own money and was not disappointed. That's saying a lot.
I love the Sims games and this is a great addition to the Sims games. I highly recommend the game. It adds so much more to the base game. However, I would get the disc and not download it. I had some problems and had to get the disc version. That could have been my fault.But, the game is well worth the investment.
I am truly in love with this expansion. It lives up to its name, because I often find myself playing this late into the night from it's addicting gameplay. The new features are wonderful and who would argue with the addition of vampires?
I looked at some of the other reviews. I've really had no problems with the game messing up. It's not necessary to have a disc in the drive when I play. That's a major plus for me. I plan on downloading future expansions through Amazon. - The Sims 3 - Pc Game - Sims 3 - Late Night'
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