All the mag lites share solid aluminum construction and rubber o-ring seals. What sets the mini mag off from the other mag lites is its size (easy to hold with teeth while working under car, sink, etc) and one little known feature - "candle" mode. You adjust the beam focus by rotating the mini mag's head, but if you continue turning the head pops off; you are left with the handle and the exposed bulb, which is now throwing light in all directions - it is a "candle". Flip the head over, place it on the ground/table - it is now a "candle holder". Stick the candle into the candle holder. Instant candle for camping. (These directions are actually on the mini mag's packaging, but it wasn't until I had bought my third mini mag (one for car, kitchen, daypack) that I noticed. This is actually a great trick to show other mini mag owners... they also threw their packaging away without looking it. The larger mag lights don't have this feature.)Two mini mags in the candle mode do a good job on a picnic table at night... so get two of them... they're cheap. Maglite M2A01H AA Mini Flashlight and Holster Combo-Pack, Black
I have been using these same lights for 12 years now. The AA ones are waterproof to about 30 feet or so (the O-rings keep the seal airtight). I don't know if maglite supports that use though :) I use them not only as lights, but to prop doors open, hammer small nails. These things are TOUGH! Keep one in the car. One in the kitchen. One in the bedroom. One in the toolbox. One at work. Helpful Hints: Lightly grease the O rings with vaseline or other petroleum jelly occasionally (wipe off excess). This keeps the seals watertight, and makes the light work like new. take off head of flashlight, and examine the bulb (not lit!) - after a while they get burnt on the inside - replace occasionally to maintain maximum illumination! Replacement bulbs are CHEAP! Get some! I use these a LOT! Consider using NiMH rechargeable batteries.
I can't reiterate enough what the other reviewers have said about the mini-mag Light. I own about 4 or 5 of these things and they are great. I have previously owned maybe 15 to 20 other plastic flashlights in the past and all have bit the dust. Broken case is the number 1 reason due to a drop or being stepped on. For some other reason, these others have crummy switches which fail easily. NOT THE MAG LIGHT. The switch is simple and tough (I know since I've taken it apart) The battery life is great, the case is highly durable. I love the candle mode (i.e. take the head off completely) I have also mixed and matched parts from different colors to make mine unique. My 3 year old son loves his and it is easy for him to turn on or off. He is really rough with his toys, but has never stopped the mini mag. (Warning - kids do like to take the head of the light off which exposes the lamp. If the lamp breaks, then it could be dangerous to them.) Finally, the spare bulb in the tail piece is awesome, very handy. When I replace the bulb (which is needed sometimes) I always make sure there is a good spare in the tail piece. I could go on and on. If you're looking for a cool gift, or need some extra light, buy a few of them. They are the best.
I have owned a variety of high-end flashlights over the years and at one time worked as a Sheriff's Sergeant in a major metropolitan area. In that line of work a bright flashlight is a tool of the trade, and is carried at all times, even during the day. A belt holder for a flashlight should keep the flashlight securely attached to the belt and allow the user to rapidly deploy and replace the flashlight with a minimum of fuss. It should allow the flashlight the freedom to swing and swivel to accommodate sitting in a vehicle and/or riding a snomobile, ATV or similar conveyance. This belt holder only accomplishes the first objective. While it does hold the flashlight securely, it tends to bind if one attempts to remove the flashlight without using a second hand to hold the ring perpendicular to the flashlight body and a second hand is required to hold the ring perpendicular to the flashlight body to return the flashlight to it's holstered position. The ring also has only limited freedom to allow the flashlight to swing forwards and backwards to clear obstacles and vehicle steats and saddles.For casual use this product is OK. But for professional use, the product's single-axis swinging ring design detracts from it's usefullness. If you're serious about a flashlight holster, buy one of the all-leather products that has a ring that is soft and compliant and hold itself at 90 degrees to the belt ring. These can be obtained at a Police equipment supply.
This is the highest quality flashlight on earth.Not just this model but the entire product line.I think Mag Instruments has perfected the flashlight.You could spend your whole life buying and tossing cheapo flashlight's or buy a Maglite ONCE it's that simple.Dont blow your money on plastic junk Stick with Mag they really are the Mercedes Benz of flashlights.
The first one I had was black, just like Model-T. Being dark and inside my dark overalls pocket, I forgot about it until it fell. It fell couple more times since. It is still working. It is a good size to go inside the tool box permanently. The size is also small enough to go inside where only your hand can reach. Sometimes in my line of work in seismic oil exploration I need to do come cabling, the Mini helps to get the connection right.Bought a few more Mag lights since the first one, seeing as it is tough and rain proof. But when I travel it is the Mini that comes along instead of the Mag Solitaire because the AA size batteries is the most universally available battery you can find in most countries.Torch (flashlight to you guys in US) is like penknives, tend to need it in an emergency. So one lives with the Leatherman, one in the car glove box, the old one still in the tool box.Yeah, I have held the torch in my lips too in the past but now recommend a headband by Nite Ize to turn it into a headlamp. Another item worth considering if you go hiking a lot is the Nite Ize "Pock-its". This is a holster for Mini Mag Light and Leatherman, spare batteries. - Aa - Mini Maglite - Tools - Mag'
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